Illa J - Never Left [Explicit] [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Illa J
Data wydania: 2015-10-02
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Potatohead People
Tekst: Illa J

Tekst piosenki

[Hook: Illa J]
It's like you never left
You with me up in the booth
I see your silhouette
When I start thinking about you
And I would never let
Somebody taint your truth
'Cuz tainted love is all around and that shit ain't cool

[Bridge: Illa J]
Yo when I'm reppin' my bro, I'm reppin' my blood
Before I rock a show or even step in the club
It's Yancey Boys for life, man I don't give a fuck
About the biz, but it is, what it is, nigga

[Verse 1: Illa J]
Niggas trying to pay bills for their kids make meals roll around on big wheels with their bitch
So they use big Dill when they need a big deal but when Illa spits real they get pissed
But I raise my flag in a whole 'nother arena
Startin' that 00 call me Arenas
Triple threat, infinte creator, witness that
On the end? never a funny question, how clever
I'm a young, loud rebel from the Mecca
Beast inside, analytical reflector
From the east side of Detroit, nigga check up
Always on the grind 'cuz I got to get my check up
Yea I'm always on the grind 'cuz the money's on the mind
We forget about the 'cuz we want that effector
I'm always on time, on-task, on a mission
While I listen to my big bro chillin' reminscin'

[Hook + Bridge]
People say they your friends but come with hidden agendas
Don't give a fuck about me, just wanna rap on some Dilla
Coming up to me like, I heard Dilla yo brother
I went to the tribute, I took a pic with yo mother
And it means a lot to me, uh
But a few of you don't mean it honestly, uh
Y'all just thinking bout um, profiting, uh
My brother's legacy is like the Ring
Niggas get close to it, egos start building up, taste a little success
Environment is changing up, forget about the cause
Forget about that genius that's banging in your cars
That takes your vibration up, up up into the stars
Forget about the soul that he put into his music
Forget about the gold that he put into his music
Forget about that Rove, every day I see you passing by cruising down the road


Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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