Iniquity Rhymes - Who I Am - Complete (feat. Ashleigh Munn) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Iniquity Rhymes
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Tekst piosenki

This life is my story
Got to tell them
"Don't ignore me"
I drove these roads
And walked the streets
A thousand times!
And as the days go by
I'll always to try to be who I am
To be who I am
To be who I am
Life's always been a struggle
Trying to get by
Wish I had the codes to gain a level
And through I am on the rise
I can't help but want more
It's a curse but a blessing in disguise
I look up to the skies with arms wide asking why
My cries ignite?
And I won't lean on any shoulders now
The music is the beam
Which supports my reason to be a soldier
Now I've approach my dreams
But I just stare it down
It's like I fear
Not the far but near
But I guess that we're not used to change
But who's to blame?
So defuese the strain
Put the fuse in gear
I light up the world 'cuz
I belive that time my time has come
I'm a fighter
I'll shine brighter
Than the stuipd diamonds in that song
"Who I am" is fair and it's crucial
That you're with me so I don't lose
Don't need a pair of tits or a jiggly ass
On my thumbnails to get views
All jokes aside hope down to join this ride
I feel alive Iniquity's a staple
In this world of mine
And I promise to remain
"Who I am"
I'm next in success queue
You ask who do I have to thank?
Well I have you, this life
This life is my story
Got to tell them
"Don't ignore me"
I drove these roads
And walked the streets
A thousand times!
And as the days go by
I'll always to try to be who I am
To be who I am
To be who I am
It's funny how when my name grows in exposure
The people around me change more than I do
No four leaf clover
The wicked see me as a tool
To grow themselves is that a rule?
To selfishly use my turbo as your fuel?
The truth's unfolding but
I won't habe it homie
Step off look elsewhere
It's not gonna happen
Only those who defy me will feel my wrath
Right ehrn it catches it blindly
Stepping into light
No vicious Spell
To hold me down
Fictitious welding of walls closing
But i'm no captive now
Keep listening goosebumps and pulse will
Feel the gain
I can write this song 10 years from now
Results will be the same
There may be times when you feel lost
I can abide with concealed cost and say
I'm fine while cracking a smile
I'll keep pushing on with all hope
'Till the fear's gone
If your mind can't grasp onto things
It needs to succede
Let me the conveyor
This life's my story
I hope to inspire like the one and only
Your passing impacts us all
Surpassing acts before
I hope you rest in peace
If there's no one left to remain
Who they are let leave the rest to me
This life is my story
Got to tell them
"Don't ignore me"
I drove these roads
And walked the streets
A thousand times!
And as the days go by
I'll always to try to be who I am
To be who I am
To be who I am
Now starts the next chapter
My actions will define me
I'll intervene if you're lost?
I'm the silver lining
The grass is always greener
I'll amass my dreams
I'm feelin' keen if there's flames
Upone speakers you know where to find me
I'm obsessed with self progress
The rest are throwing out their morals
Beat my chest there's no contest
Can't seal my fate man i'm immortal
Heart is cordial
The music guides me from ever feeling worthless
If he's the Rap God
I'm the disciple to soar is MY purpose
Their single minded lyrics holds them hostage
Carnage starts
Then simple minded people accept it a tarnished heart
The hardest part is knowing some of my fans have an
Honest shot at great something great
And I can't help them all
I want your darkness gone
No aristotle but my being here is primal
And i'll work hard until my role models somehow become
Rivals waves are tidal damn right i'm the one
That's channeling their course
If your're in pain I hope words help in dismantling
The source. It's Who I Am
This life is my story
Got to tell them
"Don't ignore me"
I drove these roads
And walked the streets
A thousand times!
And as the days go by
I'll always to try to be who I am
To be who I am
To be who I am

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Jeśli znasz język na tyle, aby móc swobodnie przetłumaczyć ten tekst, zrób to i dołóż swoją cegiełkę do opisu tej piosenki. Po sprawdzeniu tłumaczenia przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy je jako oficjalne tłumaczenie utworu!

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jego treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe. Status swojego tłumaczenia możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.

Interpretacja piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jej treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe.
Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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