Iniquity Rhymes - Zombies Rap - Escape from Alcatraz (feat. the King Nappy) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Iniquity Rhymes
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Tekst piosenki

The zombies have us confirmed but inside these walls we are not
Alone, we know our way and together we´ve designed a plot
To get up out this prison of doom, no submission and soon
We´ll resurrect from afterlife, we´re prepared to give it all we´ve got
Our worry´s not artillery, like these walls we´re strapped
Inclined to deliver the wretched injury and we promise on behalf
Of all who are trapped inside, we´ll execute our final blast
Initiate mission: escape from Alcatraz

We´ve spent too many years just dwelling inside this prison
I´m not about to give into my fears, we set up on this mission
Not one zombie can ruin this, I won´t let up on this vicious
Malicious plan, well finish everything, i´m feelin a bit ambitious
Better be prepared to march to hell´s gate, wrath in sight
Mustang and Sally, in death´s valley I got my cellmate to my side
We´re propelling straight into the night with destiny our fate´s entwined
Best believe over all opponents, we´ll ´tower´ just like die rise
I know we´ve done wrong, but we never should have been left4 dead
Is that the wrong place and wrong time? Let me apologize for my intellect
We´re battling zombie meatheads from the cell block down to the docks
But could we have done what we have without that precious juggernog?
Because we´re bound by fate, what´s is anything but ordinary
And through all of this I savor that sweet taste of electric cherry
And to accomplish what we must, i´m afraid that we must divide
So keep that head up, watch yo back and ill see you in the afterlife

The zombies have us confirmed but inside these walls we are not
Alone, we know our way and together we´ve designed a plot
To get up out this prison of doom, no submission and soon
We´ll resurrect from afterlife, we´re prepared to give it all we´ve got
Our worry´s not artillery, like these walls we´re strapped
Inclined to deliver the wretched injury and we promise on behalf
Of all who are trapped inside, we´ll execute our final blast
Initiate mission: escape from Alcatraz

Into the warden´s office i charge, laying claim to that generator
As the pieces fall into place i realize that i´m my only savior
This burden placed upon me isn´t one that I don´t deserve
But registering this reality is one that I had to learn
As the steam rises from the washer, I hear them cry as I reload
I snatch the clothes make a run for it, taking heads from those that are decomposed
And with the footsteps barreling towards me of Brutus making his rounds
I let that tomahawk slip through my fingers to redeem me from this hell
From this hell i´ll redeem serenity, dropping nukes in Alcatraz
Got my tommy gun with no empathy for undead with drastic traps
The gondola will raise me pleasantly so just send my casket back
My identity will reach extremity. Won´t get the best of me, meet my acid gat
All parts collected, i´m just about done running trains
Double tap all those infected, spray their heads right through their brains
Hit the mystery box one last time, avoid the lock, this time we´re not
Missing shots, won´t fall to rot, came this far journey to the top, let´s fly off with this plane

The zombies have us confirmed but inside these walls we are not
Alone, we know our way and together we´ve designed a plot
To get up out this prison of doom, no submission and soon
We´ll resurrect from afterlife, we´re prepared to give it all we´ve got
Our worry´s not artillery, like these walls we´re strapped
Inclined to deliver the wretched injury and we promise on behalf
Of all who are trapped inside, we´ll execute our final blast
Initiate mission: escape from Alcatraz

As we descend straight from the heavens into the golden gates of hell
I´ll pull myself to my feet knowing that we´ve come to far to let this fail
The never forgotten warriors are welcomed home, all the zombies we´ll impale
The king head and his friends will be remembered all gamers will never dismiss this tale
I´ll take it up a notch as I prepare to clutch, with Brutus bearing down upon me
Cathin´ a second wind from the pack-a-punch to fight back this undead army
Check it out! in the distance we see some electric chairs, I look to heavens, eccentric prayers
Now is the time to escape, enter afterlife one last time, if you dare!

The zombies have us confirmed but inside these walls we are not
Alone, we know our way and together we´ve designed a plot
To get up out this prison of doom, no submission and soon
We´ll resurrect from afterlife, we´re prepared to give it all we´ve got
Our worry´s not artillery, like these walls we´re strapped
Inclined to deliver the wretched injury and we promise on behalf
Of all who are trapped inside, we´ll execute our final blast
Initiate mission: escape from Alcatraz

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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