2 Chainz - FREEBASE [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: 2 Chainz
Album: Freebase
Data wydania: 2014-05-05
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Da Honorable C.N.O.T.E.

Tekst piosenki

>What is it?
>What's free about it?

I thought if I said now, “Listen"
"Should I talk about freebase and what it"--or somethin?
And people say, "Well, no, because, then people will start doin' it"
No, let me--I gotta talk about what happened to me

See where we're from, it's all or nothing
But we take penitentiary chances like it's nothing
We came from nothing, from nothing
Freebase on top of the oven, get money my type of discussion
Ya'll could do this shit for free, a nigga like me gon' be hustlin'
Freebase (x9)

[Verse 1: 2 Chainz]
I came from nothing
Me and my niggas, we came from nothing, sold that caine like it’s nothing
Told you from the introduction I came from the pain and suffering
Two pit bulls and a TEC-9, TEC-9 use to jam up on me all the time
Swear to god if you come up in my mama yard
I’mma shoot that motherfucker till it get tired
Big dually truck got six tires, big ties when I rhyme mixtapes
And I keep shitting on the competition, I'm about to put out me out a shit tape
Guess we ain't playin' by no rules, every night I freestyle on Pro Tools
Tell Flex come to the A we'll carjack him by one of them regular ass old schools
I don't respect my elders, these right here Maison Margiela
I cannot get no earrings, it'll make my Rolex jealous
I been a felon since fifteen, my expedition had a big screen
Half you niggas was constipated, half you niggas wasn't shit then
Zone one all the way to zone six, fuck y'all, I'll buy my own shit
Fuck y'all, I'll buy my own whip, fuck y'all, I'll buy my own brick
Tell them pussy niggas that ain't pay shit "Better be ready to let the gat loose"
I done did a song with everybody from Jermaine Dupri down to Papoose

I came from nothing (x6)

[Verse 2]
Work hard, play hard, work hard again
My bankroll had twins, can you comprehend?
Seafood lover, I don't eat pork
Used to hit them J's like a 3-point, my partner mascot is a pitchfork
And you already know what this for - me too, rent due
Doggin' these hoes like a shih tzu so cold I recorded in a igloo
Nigga asked me why I don't drink, man, let me tell you what the wine do
My partner came in and said "This my girl", I had to tell that motherfucker "Mine too!"
Court dates in the summertime, might pull up in a vert
No matter what the charges is, I'mma pull off with a smirk
This right here for Old Nat, this right here for Godby Road
This right here for Riverdale, trappin' at the Stop-N-Go
Trappin' at the Texaco, it was Amaco before it was BP
My plug from Mexico, he fell out when he seen me on TV
Sold drugs to my loved ones and it's hard for me to admit it
The first time I've seen a crack pipe was in my parents' kitchen


Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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