A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie - Best Friend [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie
Album: International Artist, Love Bridge
Data wydania: 2018-03-21
Producent: Jaegen, Nahum
Tekst: Tory Lanez

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie & Ramriddlz]
Best friend
You was like my best friend
You was like my best friend
We used to be best friends 'til we started sexin'
What's next girl, 'cause it's up to you
Can we still be best friends after what just happened
It's a bad thing, but it feels so good
Let me beat it up like Jaegen

[Chorus: A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie]
We used to be best friends 'til we started sexin'
What's next girl, 'cause it's up to you
Can we still be best friends after what just happened
It's a bad thing, but it feels so good
You was like my best friend, you was like my best friend
You're my best friend, girl what's up with you
You was like my best friend, my best friend
Even though we're sexin', let's be best friends too

[Verse 1: A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie]
I got rich and cut off all my exes (all my exes)
They like, "Boy grow up," I'm adolescent (I'm adolescent)
Feds pulled up on you askin' questions (askin' questions)
Fuck around and took some of my best friends, yeah yeah
I'm too fuckin' poppin' for a Westin (a Westin)
I can't tell nobody where I'm stayin' (where I'm stayin') (yeah)
I get on my fly shit outta patron (patron) (yeah)
I smell like the money, it's my fragrance, yeah yeah
Now I got a house inside my basement, yeah yeah
Used to trap in houses that was vacant, yeah yeah
I poured up a double cup and faced it (faced it)
If I said I loved you I was fakin'
I wasn't into you baby
Before I was into you I was a friend to you baby
I hope I remember you baby
You been playin', sorry if I ain't feelin' you lately
But you are so beautiful baby
I'm just sayin', I don't know what to do with you baby
Don't tell me you through with me baby
Understand I don't want you to be my old lady
But I know you want me to stay
I know you want me to, I know you want to convey
I know I'm one in a million
Look at the ceiling, you ever seen stars in the Wraith?
And I can be part of your day
Pardon me, where do you want me to take you today?
They want to take me away, fuck what they say, it's okay

[Chorus: A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie]
We used to be best friends 'til we started sexin'
What's next girl, 'cause it's up to you
Can we still be best friends after what just happened
It's a bad thing, but it feels so good
You was like my best friend, you was like my best friend
You're my best friend, girl what's up with you
You was like my best friend, my best friend
Even though we're sexin', let's be best friends too

[Verse 2: Tory Lanez]
While we on the topic, let's talk about it
You gon' find somebody better, yeah shawty I doubt it
You knew I was ballin', you was tryna scout it
You just played the sideline, I was tryna out it
Pulled up in the Audi, I did it proudly
Put them diamonds in my mouthpiece, smokin' loudly
At this moment she realized she couldn't live without me
Told her, "Hop up in the sky before this shit get cloudy"
Don't you doubt me, 'cause I be spendin' dividends
I been out and switchin' into them different Benzes
Got my dollars up and dipped and onto ya friendses
Rollie on me, presidential like the president, bitch
Only you know I won't try you, why would I try to?
Every city that I fly through, I try to fly you
When you look just like the pictures I just can't deny you
Now let me beat that pussy red like it was bangin' Piru
Girl you know I wanna dine you, I'ma line you
Fuck around and make me wanna put you in a spiral, hit your spinal
Touchin' you like I was tryna spin a vinyl
I just slip and slide through, sicker than some swine flu
Yeah, come do it all for me, 'cause I do it all for you
Whenever I need it I'm fallin' through
When I need to get it I'm callin' you
You know you got it
All of the numerous rumors are probably true
Something I'd probably do, I gotta be honest with you

[Outro: A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie]
Best friends
What's next girl, 'cause it's up to you
Best friends after what just happened
You was like my best friend
My best friend, girl what's up with you
My best friend, even though we're sexin', let's be best friends too

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Jeśli znasz język na tyle, aby móc swobodnie przetłumaczyć ten tekst, zrób to i dołóż swoją cegiełkę do opisu tej piosenki. Po sprawdzeniu tłumaczenia przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy je jako oficjalne tłumaczenie utworu!

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Interpretacja piosenki

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