Alison Krauss - My Love Follows You Where You Go [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Alison Krauss
Album: Paper Airplane
Gatunek: Country

Tekst piosenki

More wishes than a thousand hearts can count for you
More smiles than a merry-go-round
The sweetest ending to a bed-time story told
My love follows you where you go

More laughter than a kindergarten out to play
One Sunday morning song that says it all
More summer than a California beach can hold
My love follows you where you go

Future like a promise, your a city of Gold
Stubborn in your bones and Jesus in your soul
Seeing you stand there, staring at the unknown
I won't pretend that it's not killing me
Watching you walk away slow

Take forgiveness, take a prayer, take the deepest breath
Take the answers in your heart
When you wake up and the world is cruel and cold
My love follows you where you go

Future like a promise, your a city of Gold
Stubborn in your bones and Jesus in your soul
Seeing you stand there, staring at the unknown
I won't pretend that it's not killing me
Watching you walk away slow

More freedom than a field of flowers in the wind
More beauty than a morning after rain
Up the steepest hill, a dark and crooked road
My love follows you where you go

Future like a promise, your a city of Gold
Stubborn in your bones and Jesus in your soul
Seeing you stand there, staring at the unknown
I won't pretend that it's not killing me
Watching you walk away slow

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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