Big Pokey - Menagae 'Tois [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Big Pokey
Album: Dope Game 2000
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

Trying to find me, a menagae 'tois
X in her life, just to tighten her jaw
For real clog they neck up, how we do it

[Big Pokey]
I need a bad bitch, bad hoe
Go hard with a nigga, in the middle the flo'
Ain't complaining, bout her knees are so'
Love to get hulled, like a brand new 4
You know me, 6-9's a no-no
Pose for the camera, I'ma snap the photo
Put a post in her face, she licked the logo
Snatched the lighter, lit the do-do
Baby from D.C., she like that go-go
Plus she call me, is it stain or POLO
Say she like the way I swang my rolo
Drive me crazy, when she call me (ooh Po-Yo)
It's on, and you know that it's on
Sensei in that ass, like a brand new thong
I don't play I lay on em, all night long
Serving it to em, like filet mignon

Hoodrat, superstar
Trying to find me a menagae 'tois
X in her life just to tighten her jaw
Hands in her pants, and she biting the bra
It's on, (and you know that it's on)
Sensei in that ass, like a brand new thong
Everytime we turn around, (we dropping platinum songs)
Balling out of control, (copping brand new homes)

[Mike D]
I told baby girl, hit me back and it's on
Now me and Sensei, getting shots to the dome
Wreck house boys, keep taste Q boys
Slapped that X in her life, now we menagae 'toising
Together we bad actors, steady up in the twat
Performing like gymnists, making that ass flip flop
She slurping the pole, not missing a drip drop
While Po working the hole, and hurting the G spot
Screaming Corleone, boy don't you stop
Gone off Hennessy, girl you know I'm not
Spark up another sherm, gave it all I got
Make the headboard knock, till the rail unlock
Beat the puddy up, we don't play with the cot
Riding the clock, making the cum good shot
Multiple orgasms, till that damn thang rot
And then we out, know what I'm tal'n bout

Hoodrat, superstar
Trying to find me, a menagae 'tois
X in her life, just to tighten her jaw
Hands in her pants, and she biting the bra
It's on, (and you know that it's on)
Corleone in that ass, like a brand new thong
Everytime we turn around, (dropping platinum songs)
Balling out of control, (copping brand new homes)

[Big Pokey]
Fell in, ambiance
Trying to find me, a Columbian
Met one, worked at a hair salon
Drinking on a Coke, with a splash of rum
Pierced navel, pierced tongue
Baby face, so I played her for young
Saw her homie, told her here she come
Ran over over to her, like the way that she run
I could make her mine, with the wave of a wand
Put her on the track, and maker her pay me a ton
Boys know, how I do my dames
Sex games, like choo-choo trains
Blew her brain, 'fore I knew her name
Baby off the chain, gon do her thang
5"3' frame, hot as a flame
Got turned out, I was to blame

Hoodrat, superstar
Trying to find me, a menagae 'tois
X in her life, just to tighten her jaw
Hand in her pants, and she biting the bra
It's on, (and you know that it's on)
Sensei in that ass, like a brand new thong
Everytime we turn around (we dropping platinum songs)
Balling out of control, (copping brand new homes)

Uh, lost than a mo'fucker

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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