Canibus - Harry Fox Hates Hip Hop [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Canibus
Album: Z-Biscellaneous 2012
Data wydania: 2012-01-05
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1]

My nigga said, "Speak on it, throw a slow tempo beat on it,"
He said, "Real Hip Hop gonna feed off it."
Call in sick to the beef meat market come back with peace offering
No man is a island, no man is sovereign
Any artist, could turn a garden to a desert
But can he turn a desert to a garden?
These haters hating my bars, playing they part
The illest alive, it ain't my fault, where do I start?
My words always go unheard, my voice is ignored
Nobody will ever understand 10,000 bars
I don't even understand it myself
7 billion people on the planet, not 1 understands how I felt
I feel like Sophia Stewart the male oracle of rap music
I've been through implorable abuses
Let me explain something called mechanical royalty
A certain amount of albums get pressed up quarterly
For every unit that's pressed, they owe me a dollar
Father Author Poor Pauper, they called me a ?????
On a corner drinking Ghost lager, it's not something that I'm proud of
The business is corrupt and dishonest
It's a law not a promise
Distributors supposed to pay each artist a dollar per album per project
After mechanical royalty is confirmed
Copyright infringement is the next lesson to learn
The writer is the copyright holder, in my case I'm the owner
Without a signature you're not supposed to, sell my music but they sold it
A quarter million dollar fine ????? Hold up!
The songs you wrote Bus, I wrote 1,500
Ask Cap, don't lie about the numbers
But my account got shut down I got no referral
From the biggest collection agency in the world
Here we go boys and girls they took everything from me
I wondered if it's cause I'm ugly, or unlucky
I said fuck you crooks you stole my money, keep it gully
They keep playing courtroom rugby
I feel like God don't love me
Cause not 1 person on the planet stepped up to represent me
And now here I am talking to you, but not really though
Cause I know you don't really hear me though
So now I'm sending a message as far as it could go
In the hope that it could maybe reach an uncorrupt soul
"Somewhere over the rainbow," I go through pain they'll never know
That's why I'm so miserable yo
Turn into the lyrical Hulk, jump the gate, grab you by the throat
I should break your fuckin' neck cause I'm broke
But I ain't really on it like that, I'm so important to rap
One day I'll get a lawyer to do that
For now evil wins overwhelming the people with sin
The modern day Jin with medieval grins
The Jim Baker jungle gym, drink gin and jump into him
I don't want no money, I just want justice
But nowadays no one gives a fuck so fuck it!
You gotta love it big business big budget
Harry Fox hates Hip Hop I'm going public!

[Declares his Copyright information]

Except as set forth below, Baby Grande and Mic Club Music will assign, transfer, and release to Williams all copyrights and other rights to "Canibus" projects, albums, compositions, and merchandise, and all recordings, copyrights, income and revenues arising out of, or relating to "Canibus"

Williams will own all copyrights in, and to lyrical compositions written by him. Williams will own 100% of all rights. Including all rights to receive revenues, with respect to the master recordings on the albums Rip The Jacker. Williams will own 100% of all rights, including all rights to receive revenues with respect to the master recordings on the albums "Mic Club: The Curriculum" and " 'C' True Hollywood Stories". Williams assigns to You Know Who, for a period of 5 years, 50% of all record royalties, paid after recoupment on those 2 albums. You Know Who releases all rights to the name "Canibus" and will transfer to Williams, or a designee, the "Canibus" and "Poet Laureate" domain names, "Poet Laureate" albums, trademarks relating to the business of Williams. Used to promise "Canibus" or his music, as well as any titles

You Know Who agrees not to sell any "Canibus" CD's or merchandise and will transfer to Williams all inventory in their possession. You Know Who agrees not to use the name "Mic Club" in connection with the business of "Canibus"

"Crooked motherfuckers. So what I'm supposed to do? Every lawyer I'd done hired to go chase the royalties, mechanicals, and or otherwise, done dropped the ball out of fear, of whoever they work for. You know? People done collected payments. People still selling records. You know what I'm saying? Where's MY cut? You know. I own the copyrights. I WROTE THOSE RECORDS! You know what I'm saying? I wrote the lyrical composition on 'em. You know. Those are MY lyrics."

"I DO get out there and do the damn thing! But it's hard to compete with these big money labels. It's hard to compete with the promo that they put out there versus the little hand to hand promo that I could get going. You know? Sometimes, I don't even know what I'm doing sometimes. You know, I'm just hoping that, maybe there's a, a group of people, that's going thru the same situation and ain't scared enough to just rally up, form a frontline. And make it so that we could snowball this into something that we could get back what's rightfully ours. You know? And at least get these crooks to be accountable for what they've been doing. Particularly now, because, you know, the economy ain't getting no better. You know what I'm saying? And people are working harder and getting less. So, you know, if you're satisfied with that. That's on you. But I'm speaking on what pertains to me, and what, and what's directly related to the things I see going on in the music. You know? And I love it. I love, I love my music. I love Hip Hop. I love to sit down and write my music. You know? I LOVE IT. I love what it sounds like. I love the result of it. And YOU ain't gonna make me stop. YOU ain't gonna make me quit. You know? I do it when I'm ready. And you ain't gonna stop me from getting my new stuff out there neither. You know. Like I said, if I catch you. If I catch you jumping over the line. I'ma jump the gate. And I'ma punish you. I'ma MAUL YOU. Alright? So just let it be known man..."

[Verse 2]

Rub a dub dub, Rip The Jacker gets no love
Gotta diss a rap nigga for a buzz
Ritual sacrifice they want blood
But I don't understand what that got to do with the music Cuz'
I don't hate L, I don't care if he fucking trannies or not
All I care about is Hip Hop
I ain't mad at Eminem I just be responding
To the nigga running his mouth who choose to be my nemesis
Nigga I rap too this old head nigga rap the truth
Rap to the streets, I rap in the booth
Spit from the underground to the skyscraper roofs
On paper I wrote more rhymes than any rap group
Tell me why I just can't get on a track with Jeezy nigga
I know how to ?????, you heard?
What's goodie nigga? Still on deck
The leprechaun lexicon from U.S. Congress
Got a chopper in the car, got ?????
Got dogs on the carpet, G's at the flea market
Better back it up nigga 'fore I park it
Between your eyebrows on your forehead, my style is that raw shit!

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Interpretacja piosenki

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