Cris brown - Look at me now [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Cris brown
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Chris Brown]
I don't see how you can hate from outside of the club
You can't even get in
Hahaha, leggo

[Verse 1: Chris Brown]
Yellow model chick
Yellow bottle sipping
Yellow Lamborghini
Yellow top missing
Yeah, yeah
That shit look like a toupee
I get what you get in 10 years, in two days
Ladies love me, I'm on my Cool J
If you get what I get, what would you say?
She wax it all off, Mr.Miyagi
And them suicide doors, Hari Kari

[Hook: Chris Brown]
Look at me now, look at me now
Oh, I'm getting paper
Look at me now
Oh, look at me now
Yeah, fresher than a motherfucker

[Verse 2: Chris Brown]
Lil nigga bigger than gorilla
Cause I'm killing every nigga that come try to be on my shit
Better cuff your chick if you with her, I can get her
And she accidentally slip and fall on my dick
Oops I said on my dick
I ain't really mean to say on my dick
But since we talking about my dick
All of you haters say hi to it
I'm done

[Verse 3: Busta Rhymes]
Ayo Breezy
Let me show you how to keep the dice rolling
When you're doing that thing over there homie
Let's go!
Cause I'm feeling like I'm running
And I'm feeling like I gotta get away, get away, get away
Better know that I don't and I won't ever stop
Cause you know I gotta win everyday, day
See they really really wanna pop me
Just know that you will never flop me
And I know that I can be a little cocky
You ain't never gonna stop me
Every time I come a nigga gotta set it, then I gotta go, and then I gotta get it
Then I gotta blow, and then I gotta shut out any little thing that nigga think that he be doing
Cause it doesn't matter, cause I'm gonna dadadada
Then I'm gonna murder every thing and anything a badaboom a badabing
I gotta do a lot of things, to make it clearer to a couple niggas
That I always win and then I gotta get it again, and again, and then again [breath]
And I be doing it to death and now I move a little foul
A nigga better call a ref, and everybody knows my style
And niggas know that I'm the the best when it come to doing this
And I be banging on my chest, and I bang in the east, and I'm banging in the west
And I come to give you more and I will never give you less
You will hear it in the street or you can read it in the press
Do you really wanna know what's next? Let's go
See the way we on it and we all up in the race and you know
We gotta go, now try to keep up with the pace
And we struggle and I hustle and I set it and I get it
And we always gotta do it take it to another place
Gotta taste it and I gotta grab it
And I gotta cut all through this traffic
Just to be at the top of the throne
Better know I gotta have it, have it

[Hook: Chris Brown]
Look at me now, look at me now
Oh, I'm getting paper
Look at me now
Oh, look at me now
Yeah, fresher than a motherfucker

[Verse 4: Lil Wayne]
Man fuck these bitch ass niggas, how y'all doin'?
I'm Lil Tunechi, I'm a nuisance, I go stupid, I go dumb like the 3 stooges
I don't eat sushi, I'm the shit, no I'm pollution, no substitution
Got a bitch that play in movies in my Jacuzzi, pussy juicy
I never gave a fuck about a hater, got money on my radar
Dress like a skater, got a big house, came with an elevator
You niggas ain't eatin', fuck it, tell a waiter
Marley said, "Shoot 'em", and I said, "Okay"
If you on that bullshit then I'm like olay
I don't care what you say, so don't even speak
Your girlfriend a freak like Cirque Du Soleil
That's word to my flag, and my flag red
I'm out of my head, bitch I'm outta my mind, from the bottom I climb
You ain't hotter than mine, nope, not on my time and I'm not even trying
What's poppin' Slime? Nothin' five, and if they trippin' fuck 'em five
I ain't got no time to shuck and jive, these niggas as sweet as pumpkin pie
Ciroc and sprite on a private flight
Bitch I've been tight since "Guiding light"
And my pockets right, and my diamonds white
And my momma's nice and my daddy's gay
You faggots scared cause I'm too wild, been here for a while
I was like fuck trial I puts it down
I'm so Young Money, if you got eyes look at me now, bitch

[Hook: Chris Brown]
Look at me now, look at me now
Oh, I'm getting paper
Look at me now
Oh, look at me now
Yeah, I'm fresher than a motherfucker

[Outro: Chris Brown]
Okay, okay
Is that right?
I'm fresher than a motherfucker

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Interpretacja piosenki

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