Cybes - Fall to the top [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Cybes
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Canis Major, (Prod by. Canis Major)

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Tekst piosenki

Uh falling star x2

[Verse 1]
My eyes bleeding, my heart screaming
These hoes feining, i dont need em
Overthinkin at night but always steady thinkin
Writtin hand writtens jus to free my thoughts
This money callin i can't miss it
I wish everybody thinks different
Everything is fine but it never is
Im boosting, an zoomin through my soul
I fucking live, the only thing keeping me conventional is music
Its unpredictable they spittin bars but they all typical
I kno im not sane, but im still the same
Everyone turning backs, selling there souls cause they livin through pain, an all they do is complain, all they want is the fame
No motivation so they start fightin'
Robbin' from formal friends, pullin' out guns you no the rest
I dont want the fame as much as feedin' my fam an shit, get my fam out this bitch, Do you get this
Do u really fucking get this
An inspire as much as i can an shit, thats my motivation
Nothins right, friends switch faster than days go by, I dont no who to trust these days
I'm Livin'
Life in my bedroom
Mind flipin' from memories like summersaults
Enemies try to pull me down, feeling chains stuck on my feet an stuff
But the critiques could never critique me though
I dont give a fuck wat they think about me ho
Cause they dont know what im livin' through
Everyday wakin' up thorough the pain
Everyday wakin' up grindin from am to PM, Gravitatin' to the top
Trying to catch me but they won't, cause im stronger than most
They try to pull me down, but i ain't falling for that shit
Hoes i could never trust them
An bitches would do anything for the fame, and people will do anything to try to make u lose its a shame
They wanna see u fall
Most people frontin its ok though cause i seen that shit comin'
They mad but they should be cause they spent half there real life tryin to bring me down, Pretendin it meant somthin' but it didn't
Now im laughing
An they still sittin round not doin a damn thing bout it
I never gave no shits and thats the fucking truth
They tryna flood outchu dreams, But i never listen to them thinkin they better than me, But they dont mean shit to me
Used to be that bad kid that savage
Bad shit on his mind
Driftin through mindsets
Flippin the context
Ya i learned lessons, Its a blessin
The water filled up in my cup, poured out yourself pity of yourself crying
You feelin all alone, picture it agian, back sigh it like masinn
Music is the bless, of me an it is the rest of me
Lost a bunch though
Life goes on
It was meant for somthin right yo
No love great memories, but they never lasted
So i guess we ain't being forever lasted
I jus wanna cry but keep my cool in front of everybody
Fuck everybody, betrayin an shit, no an days everyone wants to kick it when they want somthing in return and shit
Fuck that
I hang up on them an they bitchin, fuck them
The microphone keep me company through my ups and downs when people were no where to be found
I never cried for a long time
Its a shame i never shed a tear
Mind drifting through this sickness that im living through
Im wit you if you wit me on this
Motivation at its deepest peak
Chasin' my dream, never gonna stop till i make it
Showin everyone that it exist

And I EXIST, everybody wanna be the same its sad
Copyin each other like yuall clones an shit thats future type shit
But the sad thing is they dont even know themselves..
I love this shit, i breath this shit, i am the shit
They talked and hated...
But it never meant anything to me
An the downlow, its funny cause they fought it meant somthing to me an wasting so much time tryin' ruin my dream because they already gave up on theres..
So who's falling now
Who's failing now
I just defeated you, i look in your eyes and i could tell that your weak..

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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