Darius Rucker - Half Full Dixie Cup [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Darius Rucker
Album: Southern Style
Gatunek: Country

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1]
That bucket of bolts in the driveway
It's old but it's still fast
And the weeds out in the front yard
When they're green, they look like grass
And this house we got
Well, it sure could use a couple shingles and a can of paint
But looking on the bright side
We're dry every time it rains

Yeah, I'm kicked back on the front porch
Drinking up this sunset
We ain't got a whole lot
But we got what we need
Yeah, I'm smiling cause I've been blessed
Sipping on the good stuff
This ain't a glass half empty thing
It's a half full Dixie cup

[Verse 2]
Kids chasing around that old dog
Being loud and dragging out toys
But you're missing out on a sweet sound
If all you hear is noise
And their mama sitting here beside me
Laughs and says, ain't it funny
Some people I know, well, they're flat broke
Cause all they got is money


Some days I fall by the wayside
And let the devil have his way
He puts a hole in my cup
But this ain't one of those days, no


Yeah, I'm smiling cause I've been blessed
I'm sipping on the good stuff
Hey, this ain't a glass half empty thing
It's a half full Dixie cup
It's a half full Dixie cup

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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