DMP - We Ain't Playin [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: DMP
Album: Live From Early Street
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Nottz

Tekst piosenki

[Verse One] [Cutlass Reid]:
Maine, I'’m prime time, no Dion
And you niggas is gas, no Freon
Top of the shelf no Feon
I shoot down to your last 5 Heartbeats, Leon
Body motherfucking stinkin'
And the getaway drivers in a Lincoln
I’m so, I’m so criminal minded
The execution I perfectly timed it
Your bitch is on my dick
She want a massage …it
The haze/Hayes I called Isaac
I smoke until I'm lit
Perform lyrical Heimlich
The pattern I designed it
I’'m out of my mind shit
Moshe David, I'mma shine/Shyne bitch

[Big Shot]:
Ain'’t no red octagon that is stoppin' us
Niggas is sayin' he crack, until I chopped him up
Bagged them, one shot one kill
I’'m beyond ill, understand I’'m iller
I'’m beyond real, understand I’'m realer
In other words, ain'’t no fillers… my nigga
So kick rocks, I spit murder for all the disc jocks
No need for the key to the city, easily pick locked
A transformer to a beast like Grimlock
And terrorize the city like Godzilla
I can’'t be touched, you talk about the illest
And niggas that bees us

My niggas ain'’t playin’, we ain'’t fuckin' around
Let off a few rounds, have you huggin' the ground
We rep for the town we be holdin' it down
They lovin' the sound, it'’s Durte Muzik
My niggas ain'’t playin’, we ain'’t fuckin' around
Let off a few rounds, have you huggin' the ground
We rep for the town we be holdin' it down
They lovin' the sound, it'’s Durte Muzik

[Verse Two] [Boogie]:
I rep for the street corner
I send the Wolves, they smell the meat on ya
I meant the sweet on you, pussy
Time to Tweet longer
I'’m on the street corner, any hood any town
Couple of ride or die… chicks with me and they rollin' right now
Motherfuck an ATM, my niggas hold them right now
We are the shit, can you smell them?
You got a clue? You better tell them
Fuck being on your list of best
I'm on the list of not to test
…I'm in the game but still I flip on your ass
Ron Artess
They ain’'t want us around, cause we dominatin'
Plus they ain'’t saying shit, verbally constipated
Y’'all ain’'t got it here, gotta face it
Who can do it better than we?
Nigga, the most incredible DMP

Who you foolin'? You should not even… roast
'Bout your status homeboy, you are not even close
Chill out ace, show you the …ropes
Calm down 'fore the last thing you see when I show you the toast
Break bread with my niggas down in North Carolina
I’'m still so Virginia, you still so vagina
We major you minor
You just warmin' the pint up
It's only a matter of a time…, hear the beep of the timer
You hungry for beef, got something to eat to eat for you misfits
Breakfast all day, catch me with two biscuits
Hands where I can see them, put them shits up high
Tell 'em I’'m dying to live cause I’'m living to die

My niggas ain'’t playin’, we ain'’t fuckin' around
Let off a few rounds, have you huggin' the ground
We rep for the town we be holdin' it down
They lovin' the sound, it'’s Durte Muzik
My niggas ain'’t playin’, we ain'’t fuckin' around
Let off a few rounds, have you huggin' the ground
We rep for the town we be holdin' it down
They lovin' the sound, it'’s Durte Muzik

"Got half of Virginia locked down" -Notorious B.I.G. 'Warning'
"Like this"
"Dirty" - Jeru Da Damaja

[Verse Three] [Khizman]:
We can go mano y mano
I'm so dirty like rooms at the …Econo
You so amateur night… at The Apollo
Before Twitter we was the ones the hood follow
Middle finger salute is the gesture
Now that DMP… has returned like Devin Hester
I stay studying homie, who wanna test the
Nigga who’'s the lyrical monster, Uncle Fester
And you ain'’t seen nothing yet, I got a lot left
You get the cold shoulder nigga, you’'s a hot mess
I go hard but I do it with ease
And my pockets constipated from all of this damn cheese

My niggas ain'’t playin’, we ain'’t fuckin' around
Let off a few rounds, have you huggin' the ground
We rep for the town we be holdin' it down
They lovin' the sound, it'’s Durte Muzik
My niggas ain'’t playin’, we ain'’t fuckin' around
Let off a few rounds, have you huggin' the ground
We rep for the town we be holdin' it down
They lovin' the sound, it'’s Durte Muzik

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Interpretacja piosenki

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