Don P - Nuthin' But a Bitch [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Don P
Album: YallReady4Me?
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

What the fuck can you do
This bitch got me crazy

Wanna tell you a little story bout a bitch named Life
Since I met her I got to know her
I'd do anything fo' her
24-7 she be down to roll
I got to put the bitch in check when she lose control
Sometimes I wonder does she love me
Does she even care
She say she always thinkin of me
And she'll always be there
But I know one day I'll have to kiss her goodbye
But if the girl ever did leave then I surely would die
I'm gettin high that's the only way to deal with this hoe
She got me twisted but I'm tryina keep it real with this hoe
I'm under pressure and still learnin valuable lessons
God bless her cuz she's the key to all of my questions
And I know

Life ain't nothin but a big booty bitch
She good to you long as she ridin on your dick
She get to actin ill
She make you wanna kill
I love her still
But believe me, man, the bitch is real
It's a trip, life ain't nothin but a big booty bitch
That hoe can have you broke, or that hoe can make you rich
But if you choose her
Never misuse her
Cuz if you cross her, you fuck around and lose her

It's a trip, I raise the Alize up to my lips
And take a sip and mumble to myself: ain't this a bitch!
She got me crossed up again with my ass on the line
But she's my life, if you touch her then yo ass is mines
I'ma guard her to the second that I close my eyes
If a nigga took it there, it wouldn't be no surprise
That's why I'm livin every day like it's my last day left
In a way I guess you could say that I love her to death
She gets me crazy with anger
Though I try to change her
It's a fatal attraction, has you trapped in violence and danger
It's the pain of all that I been through that my lyrics reflect
See, she's a bitch but I'ma treat her with the utmost respect
Cuz I know

Life ain't nothin but a big booty bitch
She good to you long as she ridin on your dick
She get to actin ill
She make you wanna kill
I love her still
But believe me, man, the bitch is real
It's a trip, life ain't nothin but a big booty bitch
That hoe can have you broke, or that hoe can make you rich
But if you choose her
Never misuse her
Cuz if you cross her, you fuck around and lose her

(Snap out of it, D
You losin it, D
You losin it)

I really feel for her, I would steal for her
In a blink of an eye I would kill for her
At times I love her then I hate her
But I wouldn't trade her
For nothin else in this world
Damn, I love that girl
It's becomin all clear to me now that I'm older
That I have to go through some shit to be the ultimate soldier
Blessed with the talent and the game
To ensure my fame
I got the guts and plus the nuts to go against the grain
If she could treat me right
Oh, it'd be oh so nice
I could say I made it before I paid the ultimate price
I might be fucked up but still I'm real with it
It's like this life is a bitch, nigga, deal with it

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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