G Herbo - Summer Is Cancelled [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: G Herbo
Album: Sessions
Data wydania: 2019-08-30
Producent: Harry Fraud

Tekst piosenki

How? How'd he save Chiraq?
How? Where's my brother?
How? Bitch, we been to war
I can't, I dont talk that Chicago shit
I don’t know nun bout that
I know about everywhere I go I gotta have my muhfuckin' gun period
I know about **** big homie —
I don’t call them niggas, "Big", they ain't my big homies
Them niggas ain't never did shit but finesse me, for real
But what I'm telling you don’t get finessed
All them shorties that wanna beat a 100 — niggas up
Man, check niggas out

[Verse 1]
Come on, just think about it before you kill about it (Come on)
See what's really 'bout it
Chill out and analyze, tell me how you feel about it (Feel)
But one thing about it, I'm really 'bout it
Did shit, ain't trip about it, think about it, but we wasn't just doing it to anybody (Nuh-uh)
Nigga, you don't get no points for no innocent bodies (Goofy)
Pussy, you ain't even hear who you shot at (Pussy)
In the jam, he grabbin' a bitch to shield his body
All these new street niggas, they really rotten
Same niggas riding around, getting high outside, killed his bro with a smile, niggas really plottin'
Lot of niggas 2019, getting killed with they partners
And niggas stories mixed with they body language, don't be adding up how they really rockin'
In that lil' pouch, is something, arm reach where my Glock at (I got that)
Streets got me paranoid, what you staring for, pacing back and forth, I'ma need you to stop that
I could turn nothing to something, how you top that?
If I want something, it's nothing, I could cop that
Humble, but you know my shit, I'll pop that
Stand up straight in the Maybach, where the top at?
I'm inspiration for niggas who trappin'
Voice for the niggas who always get shot at
I'm living proof you can get off the block
It's for every hood, I don't care if you not black

Man, do not get finessed
Even the best get finessed
I got finessed, that's why I am the way I am
I ain't callin' muhfucker no big shit, big who?
La Música de Harry Fraud

[Verse 2]
I been from the snake pits, to a lion's den
I was in a Benz, riding with my friends
Riding with FN's, cried with my mans
Lives in each other's hands, this is not pretend
I ain't playing with emotions, I won't show my hand (Uh-uh)
Give the hustle my devotion, so I know I can (Yeah)
I ain't dealing with promotion, just so they know what I'm sayin'
Need the back end, eight to four hours before the show when I land
I hit a bug before school, bought three bags of chips and soda in the can
Now I'm getting 30 a show and the strip club just want me to show for a 10
All these millions touch my hands, that's from taking chances
Oh, they telling me I'm the man? I ain't even settle in yet
Gotta get a youngin' together, they starve on the regular, uh
I came from sparkin' competitors, my life was never no regular-degular
Way before records, etcetera, I was with felons and narcotic peddlers, uh
Tell them just weather the weather, the longer the storm then the better the grass gonna grow
We was in the middle of wars, had guns on our waist, we was selling our bags in the snow
But can't live the street life forever, it's bread or Berettas, I keep on telling 'em
For my niggas in jail and who bitches stopped reading them letters but kept on mailing them
Do this shit for the bottom, as long as I stay on top, I'ma keep y'all relevant, uh

For all my lil one's, all my friends and family, everybody I love, everybody I call Blood, my people
Man, I catch y'all stupid ass out here tryna kick it on these blocks, I'm hot poppin' out and hittin' you in your shit
If I love you, I'm hittin' you in your shit 'cause that shit over with
All them holes in the walls, all that weak ass shit where niggas putting them calls through, texting, all that goofy shit, man
Niggas gotta play it by the rules, man
People that's losing they life for shiesty shit cause niggas is scared, niggas ain't getting up tryna hit they man
Niggas shootin' some craps and all kind of goofy shit and I can't be a hypocrite
I can't, you know, talk about nothin' nobody doing, but all this shit is cancelled
Summer is cancelled

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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