Geto Boys - We Can't Be Stopped [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Geto Boys
Album: We Can't Be Stopped
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: John Bido, N.O. Joe, Tony Randle

Tekst piosenki

Yeah, it's time to do it like a G.O. once again
You know in 1989, we knocked on the door
In 1990, we beat on the door
Now it's 1991, we finna to kick this muthafucka in

Let's talk about a scandal
The album Geffen found too hot to handle
Fucked up the minds of you and yours
The last LP from the Geto Boys

Can you believe those hypocrites
Who distribute Guns n Roses but not our shit
And they say we're a racist act

Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black

Man fuck them hoes
We got new partners and got shit done regardless
Cause our fans are everready down to die hard
Around the globe to 5th Ward

I read a news report
Some lawyer in Florida wanna take us to court

Somebody tell that country ass hick
To go suck a dead man's dick

You scream obscenity, but it's publicity
You want hoes so don't act like you don't know
Better fuck with somebody else before you get popped
Cause we can't be stopped

Geto Boys Geto Boys
Geto Boys geto Boys

People are frightened when they hear the Boys
Cause we ain't just a bunch of noise
None of that me me rappin'
We let your mutherfuckin as know whats happenin

Bitches get raped, niggas get murdered
Adults fuckin kids in numbers unheard of
It's on the news every hour
Why can't I talk about it?

Everybody seem to be after us
Even the manufacturers
Wouldn't press our disc, you know it wasn't fair
Fuck everybody who work there

And every mutherfuckin reporter
Across every mutherfuckin border

You said the album wasn't coming out fighter
But when it did you couldn't find your typewriter
Keep lettin the government dictate what you hear
Next they'll put stickers on your ears

Even with that move we got 'em in anguish
Cause we'll learn sign language
We can't be stopped

Geto Boys Geto Boys

Willie D is the gangsta of love
Some of my friends sell drugs
I sell knowledge that you can't get a ho
Cause the game is so not toe

Promoters took away our tour
Negative press made them insecure
And you wonder why you never see a video
Of the boys from the geto

No radio, talkshow, or magazine were we in
And we still in the top 10
You can't beat that with a bat

Huh, hammer can't touch that
We from the muhafuckin south
Now what was that bullshit about?
That we had to be from Cali or New York
Anybody can make it that got heart
Trenchcoats and gangster hats got my back
Any nigga around me got to pack

So come on muthafuckas, come on muthafuckas, FUCK!
We can't be stopped

Geto Boys Geto Boys

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