Grand Puba - Check it Out [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Grand Puba
Album: Reel to Reel
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Grand Puba
Tekst: Grand Puba

Tekst piosenki

Flippin the script, page one
We got the real McCoy's in the house, the big kids
Callin all the shots
So here's the resume for the day, check it

[Grand Puba Maxwell]
Uh-huh, it's time to turn the page
So check it out y'all, check it check it out (check it out)
Check it out y'all, check it check it out (check it out)
Check it out y'all, check it check it out (check it out)
Check it out y'all, check it check it out (check it out)

Well here's some reel type shit, Grand Puba with the singer
Give thumbs up cause I'm glad I could bring her
Honey clear your throat [MJB] Oooooh-hooooo-yeahhh!
Yeah the shit sound dope
Well here goes the skit, it's the kick a rhyme zing
To the beat shit, that you wanna get wit
Brothers try to copy but they just can't get it down right
This is how we move it tonight
So honey is you ready? [MJB] Yes I'm ready!
So, kick the flavor, get the loot, and let's be jetti

* Mary starts crooning *

Aiyyo check it
Well I'll be damned if I do, damned if I don't
It's time to kick the flavor on the reel you think I won't?
[MJB] And you know I come to kick the flavor too
Well that's true! Now how we do?
[MJB] I gets busy
Aiyyo hon me too
[MJB] And that's nothin
Cause that's the way we do
[MJB] So get ready (uh-huh)
[MJB] Because you know the deal and what's the real thing
Yeah yeah yeah!
So let's get down, get down with honey from Uptown
When I'm done with this I'll be around like James Brown
Ain't no thing, honey JUST sing!

[MJB] You know ahhhiiii-I, and youuuuuuu
Uhh, yeah, we got it goin on (got it goin on)
We got it goin on (got it goin on)
We got it goin on (got it goin on)
You got it goin on

So check it out y'all, check it check it out (check it out!)
Check it out y'all, check it check it out (check it out!)
Check it out y'all, check it check it out (check it out!)
Check it out y'all, check it check it out (check it out!)

[MJB] You know, you know I know (uh-huh)
Puba knows, how to flow
[GPM] So bear witness to the Grand Puba slickness
Better get your medication cause it spreads on the quickness
[MJB] Take notes to what's goin on
[GPM] Aiyyo, Grand Puba and Mary
[MJB] Won't steer you wrong!
[GPM] Hon it's just that shit
[MJB] Let's get it on!
[GPM] And on and on, and on and on
Aiyyo, some try to flow
[MJB] But they just can't do it
[GPM] But you know how that go
[MJB] Ain't nothin to it
[GPM] But, to do it, run right through it
Those who know the time, huh, already knew it
I drink a Snapple and I wet my Adam's apple
And head straight for the center, the dope style inventor
Quick to make a buck, cause it's not beginner's luck
Type of shit that hits, when you pump it in your truck
Not Ashford and Simpson, Ike and Tina Turner
Sonny or Cher, it's somethin dope on your ear
So whether Monday
[MJB] Tuesday
[GPM] Wednesday
[MJB] Thursday
[GPM] Friday
[MJB] Saturday
[GPM] It don't make a matter
This is the type of shit to make the pockets fatter
It's simply splendid, the way that we bend it
But it's time for me to jet, so I'ma let Mary end it

[Mary J. Blige]
You know, you know I know
Puba knows, how to flow (got it goin on)
You know, you know I know-owowwwwwwww (you got it goin on)
You-eheheweeeeeee (uh) * Mary starts crooning *
Yeah yeah

"Oooh, baby yeah.." (6X)

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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