I- Wayne - No Fear [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: I- Wayne
Album: Grizzly Bear Riddim
Data wydania: 2013-06-26
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Nuff A Dat, Miles Gang

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Tekst piosenki

Burn weak heart
Rassi, slew the beast fast

Real warriors, have no fear
Wicked get slew with the spear
Conquering lion never scare

[Verse 1]
The people have to strong in a them time when
The wolf and the swine them
Loose in a the streets with the 'Ks and the 9 them
I nah go join them
Rassi rather blind them
Pickney missing, all know they can't find them

Burn ungrateful, heart hateful
So me sell you out for less than a platefull
Youths be careful, burn fearful
How man fi happy in a cell where full of bare bull
No fear no bombs, sword, lass, knife, icepick
Or nunchaku
Much less gun battle
I no care which wicked want come tackle
Rum head collide with the town a rum battle
Lightning mince them up like some apple
Leave flesh looking, like burn waffle
Some nah till the soil them rather nyam dog or nyam some cattle
Coulda hide in a priest place or nun chapel

Real warriors, have no fear
Wicked get slew with the spear
Conquering lion never scare
No way

For so long, the beast trying to throw us down
Warrior heart and mind
And focus sound
No one can hold us down

[Verse 2]
I the violent nigger
Kush keep flowing like a silent river
Nuff a brag bout who've a witchcraft and coil them bigger
Them think them can sieze the juvenile them trigger
Nuff want shape shift in a the reptile them figure
Fire blaze like a fearful child them quiver
Some bite hands of the ones who provide them dinner
Shallow grave them go kill friends and hide them in a

When you drink the blood of the innocent
No bother think that a go give you strength
From you sell out your family fi pay you rent
Of course, thats the wrong way you went
Them heart is so full of grudge
The wicked them break all the rules of love
Boy hype through him par with the school of thug
Now them leave him lying in a pool of blood

Real warriors, have no fear
Wicked get slew with the spear
Conquering lion never scare
No way

For so long, the beast trying to throw us down
Warrior heart and mind
And focus sound
No one can hold us down

[Repeat Verse 1]
[Repeat Verse 2]
[Repeat Verse 1]

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Interpretacja piosenki

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