Ice Cube - No Country For Young Men [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Ice Cube
Album: I Am the West
Data wydania: 2010-09-28
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Rocko, Doughboy

Tekst piosenki

Many motherfuckers criticize pros and how they play
And many motherfuckers criticize rappers and what they say
Even though they criticize secretly they fantasize
But they know they'll never paid be to play

Yeah I'mma kill one of you young punks
With an old school flow, flow, flow

[Verse 1]

Though I walk through the shadow of death
I gotta make sure that my shoes and my outfit fresh
You bitches get jealous when you see me coming
Y'all would too if you see my woman
Now y'all know we about to do what we do
This shit right here bout as sick as the flu
Drunk motherfuckers wanna vomit on my shoe
Niggas can't have shit prolly cause of you
Rappers go to jail like Oprah go to Yale
Steffan Policy don't ask don't tell
Where's my Wallabees as I go get the mail
Half black is the new black can't you tell ?
It was blue black like Wesley Snipes in New Jack
Now you got to have a white mama just to do that
Tiger Woods, he used to be a safe nigga
Go ahead let your daughter have a date with him
He'll make with her prolly in a wifebeater
Tiger bout to change his name to cheater
I don't like it when you call me Big Poppa
From South Central and I hate helicopters
If we at school I'll break in your locker
See me with a waterbottle it's prolly vodka
Drink responsibly or drink constantly
Be who you wanna be in this economy
Drunk as sean connery at the finery
Can't throw me out motherfucker I'm the honery
Trust me I'll never be the nominee
I dont kiss enough ass I'm too honery
Ice cube be where the piranhas be
Swimming upstream eat'n all kind of meat
Westcoast treat it like hyenas
Take what you want from these lying ass cheaters
Eat the fuck out these fake-ass beavers
Thats how we act when you dont wanna feed us
Crazy motherfucker ever since I was a fetus
Might as well join us you ain't gonna beat us
Please believe us, you can ask Jesus
I'mma be here bout as long as Regis
Understand I never pledge of allegiance
Its like balla confusion might cause a contusion boy
I see you're crusing for a bruising
Fucking with a pricipal that don't like students
Don't you know attention is a lynching
And if I forget to mention then I'm spinning out my pension
No no no no


The reason I home in
Cause this right here ain't no country for young men
Sonny you done fucked up the Church's money
Im Redd Foxx and you that big dummy
This junkyard was an empire
Y'all let it get overran by vampires
Most MCs is goddamn lies
Like them fucking supervisors working up McGisor
Bitch I'm not a Dodger I'm a Laker punk
You'se a fucking clipper you can call me Jack The Ripper
Cut you up by your guiser then down by your liver
Rooter to the tooter gut you like flipper
Dipper y'all better treat me like the skipper
Head trigga the air nigga
Air honkey and air critter
I come through and kill every litter
Like that like that like that...


No country for young men
No no no no
It's just a world of confusion
No country for young men
No no no no
Your world is just an illusion
No country for young men
No no no no
Its a ball of confusion
No country for young men
No no no no
Your world is just an illusion

[Guitar Outro]

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Interpretacja piosenki

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