Ill-Noize - Gonna Make It (ft. Jake Burton) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Ill-Noize
Album: Life Trials
Data wydania: 2015-01-27
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Aaron Sumlin

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Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1: Ill-Noize]
Started taking this seriously less than a year ago
Used to fear the critics, but now I just let it flow infinity & beyond
I'm so on, I feel like my time has come, uh!
It's just something that I was born with, I'm trying to be enormous, I'm trying to fight the world, that trys to ignore us, & store us away
But not today, I will be the one to fuckin' stand up, & finally say, hey!

[Hook: Ill-Noize]
I'm gonna make it, nothing can stop me
I'm gonna make it, nothing can stop me
No one can stop me, no god on top me
Rollin' with the crew, elevated posse
Don't fuckin' cross me
Or talk about what you don't know
Been down so long, think it's time to rise up from these lows
New clothes, new hoes, new me, same team!
Sew this shit tight at the seams
On track, & never losing steam!

[Verse 2: Ill-Noize]
Don't get me wrong I didn't grow up with nothing
But I been hustlin for this money since I was a youngin'
Walkin up & down the blocks, shovelin' sidewalks
$30 bucks a pop if we were lucky, split 3-ways..
When I got older Farmers Markets in the summer got me hella paid, I thought I had it hella made, always gettin' laid... then always runnin' away...
I was a grade A douche bag back in them days
But things change, & we turn new leaves
Sold out shows just to hear me speak
At least that's what I dream!
Ya'll kna I mean?!
They say whatever the mind conceives, the man can achieve!
Believe me! When I say that I'm a better man
With nothing but good intentions
& a couple of mental conditions
But I find peace in the trees
& these days, I'm not the one who leaves...
(Tell 'em!)

[Hook 2: Ill-Noize]
I'm gonna make it, nothing can stop me
I'm gonna make it, nothing can stop me
Not even me, this is destiny
I didn't choose this life, it chose me
Nobody saw it comin
But I'm gonna take it, & run it
Do it for the fun, & the love of the music
I owe my life to this shit, I truly do
& so I gotta pursue it, I'm livin' for myself
& if not for you, than for who, man?

[Bridge: Ill-Noize]
(I lost love, I lost friends
I lost myself again, I thought I reached the end
Picked myself up off the floor so many goddamn times
I lost my goddamn mind, I'm sick of fucking crying
Wipe away the tears & face what's real
I have to do this on my own, there ain't no one here
That's going to grab my hand & walk me through
People are temporary, all you have is you
Get off my hands & knees, I won't beg & plea
But for the things I love, I will surely bleed
I'm gonna make it...
I swear momma, I'm gonna make it!
I'm gonna reach the top, no looking down
Can't stop, won't stop
No looking back, I'm givin' all I got
I'm gonna make it
I swear goddammit I'm gonna make it!)

[Verse 3: Jake Burton]

[Hook 3/Outro: Jake Burton & Ill-Noize]
I'm gonna make it, nothing can stop me
I'm gonna make it, nothing can stop me
Not even me, shit is my destiny
& I'm gon' chase it
Cause I know that it's the best for me...

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jego treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe. Status swojego tłumaczenia możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.

Interpretacja piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jej treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe.
Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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