Illy Joel - The Strangest [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Illy Joel
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

Spoken: It's really abstract, I have my own musical ideas. It has nothing to do with selling a lot of albums. I want to write the best music I can write. I'm going to try pulling it out of myself and getting better and better and better. It's like the old craftsmanship idea, like the old composers. They wanted to write masterpieces

Verse 1:

First name illy, last name joel
Last on the mic, the first to go home
I'm the best rapper alive present, future and past
I don't recognize your girl, but remember that ass

Dwight Schrute on the mic as I start to creep
Sneak in your sisters room while she's falling asleep
We've been fucking for weeks, I got what she needs
Test results came back early and she got my disease

A baby stuffed in her gut from the nut I bust
I made you an uncle, it's your sister I fucked
I'm a dirty dude. A pocket full of candy, I'm stranger
Defeat you in a battle like an abortion with a hanger

Mario Kart killer, a red shell to your butt
You're Luigi who needs me, but I'm busy fucking sluts
Sorry dude, but your princess is in another castle
She's with illy joel and I'm fucking her asshole

First name Illy. Last name Joel

Verse 2:

Illy is sickly sick, like a like a wrist slitter
Sitting on the shitter while kissing your kid sister
Did you miss her, mister? My fist inside her!
I ordered a tall blonde, and you're my barista

Rusty. Crusty. I'm a demon in the dark
A full movie theater and I'm letting out farts
Bust a nutty buddy off my penis and into your snack
Baby batter covered popcorn with a finger in her ass

Snicker bar satisfied, it's my jizz inside
The nuget don't lose it, it's a cracker jack surprise!
Temporary tattoo birthmark on your butt cheek
It's your time of the month? It's my favorite week

I warned you that when illy get ill jizz will spill
Take the pill like Carlton and I'll wrap my Uncle Phil
I'll Phyllis your Diller, I'll fill her like a land fill
Pussy like a trash can and it's filled with my swill

First name Illy. Last name Joel

Spoken: and it sounds far fetched. None of it might have to do with rock n' roll stardom. I don't care about that. I just want to keep satisfying myself musically

First name Illy. Last name Joel

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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