IMAKEMADBEATS - Join Me [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

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Tekst piosenki

[Intro] [Butta Verses talking]:
Yeah man, I'm 'bout to go get this healing man, you should come with me man. (Nah man. I don't think so.) Nah man, I'm just sayin' man, give it a shot. Who knows, what you got to lose though, you know what I'm sayin'?

[Verse One] [Butta Verses]:
I've been on the outskirts
Stoned like the mountains of the Earth
Chasin' man made money and miscalculated worth
What's worse?
Water wake, waitin' for the hearse
I'm tryin' to reach the light before the darkness gets me first
Fight out of it
Sittin' like the Shaolin abbots did
People in Sodom are screamin', "Yo, let us have 'em then."
Chew him up, swallow him
Secrets of Soloman's goblet
Government probably got it
Last drink
Took account of my soul, got it audited
Die for my beliefs like a martyr would
Should I?
Force my opinion on minions?
Who's right?
You, Jews, Muslims or Christians?
I read about all of them
Absorb that knowledge and
Try to put my fam on but they is not listening
No truth, can't really count it in position man
Let fifth tell ya, cause he thinks different and

[D. Schwartz]:
Yo B
Sometimes I be like motherfuck the healin'
Schemin', havin' thoughts of teamin' up with the villains
They makin' a killin' while everybody else killin'
Everybody else, that's men, women and children
Take money, like jake, gun in your face money
Fuck a 9 to 5, work everyday and don't make money
They make you stay till six o'clock with a lunch
Fuck, it make me want to lick a shot hit 'em once
I figure if I join the bad guys I can reap the benefits
They got all the money anyways, they invented it
So fuck the good side, fuck your positivity
I tried that once, I was broke positively
Listen, this is, twisted, and
I tried to be different with persistence and
It just didn't work, now this a different plan
I don't need the healin', I don't give a damn

[Butta Verses]:
Ayo my ego was outta control
Oh, I'm tryin' to get the evil up outta my soul
No, the heat is gettin' hot, like the top of a stove though
The symbol of Marines is the eagle on top of the globe
Ayo I saw somethin'
And yeah I'll tell y'all one thing
Took the body of Christ, it only left me more hungry
The wine too, yet to do, what I've been designed to
Folks spread fear, ain't safe from the swine flu
Comparable, no different in New York than in Pompano
God probably listen to this song, got it pumpin' too
Good hooks, I can suggest a couple good books
But if you ain't ready for the truth, don't look
And it's not clear
You can't even see it like it's not there
Just puttin' somethin' really real in your ear
It's not clear
Some can't even see it like it's not there
Blinded by fear we need a healin' in here

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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