Incwell - California Soul [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Incwell
Album: Whiskey & Flower Child Music
Data wydania: 2010-06-01
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

Well these dudes just don't sound like much, they talking bout a crown and such, well I can knock em down in one crowd, go head round em up, the flow is picture perfect with no curses you can crop and frame, this flower child music slash whiskey back pocket gang, hang it on the mantle light the candle, channel jimi swag, I'm sitting in the seance just topping of my whiskey glass, I dropped my las 2 projects and ain't seen a penny back so mash the crash diet this game will leave you skinny fast, I'm the distinguished gent, my technicolor leaves you drenched, welcome to my world you'll been loving in penguin print, the free spirit puffing loud mister montgomery county I'm a rider but divided cause my soul is out in cali, clean and crispy psychedelic flavor neo-hippie, cranking flower child music stupid and drinking whiskey, so miss me with the bojangle, fabled cause my flows fatal, you'll been waiting for a chance to fly let your soul take you

All I do is sip jack and crank flower child music sip jack sip jack and crank flower child music

Someone said that flower child swagger is a dagger I got the cold crush funk just lumped up inside the mash up, that's tough cause it's a flash flood when the cash comes, cause I don't make it rain for big chi chi's and a fat butt, I bring the pain I'm a blue ribbon pabst mutt with irish in my veins I came to finish your last cup, I'm from the DMV we had a touch of bad luck, but come around here faking will definitely get your ass drug, I'm that goo money tennessee honey with jack daniels in the handle let the infamy cometh, loving all eyes on me watch me kill the room softly, like my women like my bourbon slightly aged and full bodied, I need some attitude I want a slight bruiser that has a soft side with just a little bite to her, most are on and they gone fast, I'm on blast, you on last my times never gonna pass, smash with the hot flow, it's homegrown and apparently I got soul, now let's go

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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