Iron Savior - Thunder From The Mountains [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Iron Savior
Album: Rise Of The Hero
Gatunek: Rock

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Tekst piosenki


Far up in the mountains
Above the world end's rim
Something has arisen
Deadly and grim
Ancient evil is on the approach
Taking worlds, leaving nothing behind
Judgement Day is drawing near for humankind

One of a million, one to be bound
To stand the line, holding the ground
Kiss me goodbye, I'm heading straight for Hell
But I won't say farewell

Thunder from the mountains
In the pale light of the moon
Here I'm standing all alone
In the prelude of doom
A firestorm burns the world
The land is bleeding and dies
And I am sending out
A prayer to the skies

Onwards I am riding
Staight into the storm
Blood will be shed
And legends will be born
The clock is striking the darkest hour
A brutal force is crossing the bounds
Turning the land into burial grounds

And though it seems as if yesterday
Is lost and so endlessly far away
There will be a tomorrow
And take my word
I will return from hell
This is no farewell

Thunder from the mountains
In the pale light of the moon
Here I'm standing all alone
In the prelude of doom
A firestorm burns the world
The land is bleeding and dies
And I am sending out
A prayer to the skies

[Solo Piet]

Out on the battlefield
The killing has begun
Lives are taken one by one
Outnumbered, under fire
The blood toll is getting higher
The mission is to stay alive
To keep the promise
And make it back to you

Back to you
To hold you, to kiss you
Love and caress you
And if I'd have to go
Go through hell again
I'd do it all again

Thunder from the mountains
In the pale light of the moon
Here I'm standing all alone
In the prelude of doom
A firestorm burns the world
The land is bleeding and dies
And I am sending out
A prayer to the skies

[Solo Piet]

Thunder from the mountains
Thunder from the mountains
Thunder from the mountains

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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