It's All About Love - Brenx [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: It's All About Love
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Brenx
Tekst: Robert Diggs, Corey Woods, Tekitha, Rick James, Lilly McCloud, Timmy Thomas, Selwin Bougard, Dennis Coles, Lamont Hawkins, Brenxius J. Cord, Deni

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Tekst piosenki

Yo, bro, what's up, man
Ain't cool (cry a lot)
What's wrong, man?
I thought you are bravest man on planets
Long story man, but I tell you....

[Hook x2]
I've seen it all, done it all, it's all about love, about love

It is impossible for you to defeat destiny like Tekitha said
I have a dudes who all these years actin'like he have no fears
But now his face covered up in tears, he tell me everythin'
Life ain't always go straight, sometimes turn left or right
Takes u-turn, have several ups and downs, pros and cons
We have gold and bronze, and even zonks while trynna get some
Got girls who down with me, those girl like me more than friend
Used to protect someone I love with fist to secure their kiss
When they need advice, they come to me
When I'm down, they come and cured me
I'm not a playboy, hang with' em as a friends
They frequently asked who I choose, but I'm not sure
I treat em' with the same amount of love
Things ain't always straight, as her mom hates me
Because I hangs and sings on GOR, she accuse me I'm hooligan
I stay away from her, but she got P.I, her mom bring her shenigans
To show her big angers, being attacked I got outnumbered
Called my buddy Zul to help me fight, kick em' outta the field
My mom came to the field, stop things down, plot twist revealed
As she was her momma's school friends, now she makes face turn
As my love continue, she go to Aussie, early on
Cause high school days already over, I go to JKT later on
To become a police, but I fucked up, came back to Palembang
Worked at a restaurant, used money I get to go university
To get my brain to be diversified, doin' all days without surprisee
Till' she called me says, she return to P for few days
We doin' all happy thing like family reunion, unforgettable time
She said she want to go back to Aussie, half-heartly let her go
I suprisingly got great job that ain't lame, I finally get some fame
Livin' without her is difficult, I missed her
Her mom told me, she still in Aussie, I talk wit' her through cam
Doin' chat we talk about fam, till saw somethin' wrong, she cried
Contact her but always failed, mom said I already tried
I know her best friend house, go there with my lancer
Till I got a news, that she has declared war with cancer
She hidin' in her house, lie to me, she didn't want me to sad
Burst to her house, go to her room, found her bedridden weakly
I'm silenced, she ask me do I look ugly, she said it deeply
No you still looked the same always looked beauty
I said would you be my wife, I finally make an option
To choose her over the other girl, I hug her
Shortly before we finally go wed, she will undergo surgery
But it's failed, cancer already spread, till'she done
Doctor said, my girl won't be livin' too soon
Once she finally awaken, she already heard the story
Accept her destiny, till' god takes her soul shortly
She said, sorry we can't spend our time for too long
I dropped her to house, she hot kissed me, we sing a song
That I still remember now, till' 12AM, I snorred
Got phonecall from her, I answer, yes dear?
That her mother is only the line, said she already go
I rushed to go to her house with my mom, full speed
See her body without soul, I cry, I cry, I cry, she already fly
But nothin' can bring her back, I stay with her body till next day
The funeral, still can't stop cryin' still can't forgot
Our days together, all these day that I spend with you a lot
The tomb said, here lies Oca, 1986-2011, Rest in peace
Till we meet again in the other world
It's all about love, about love, word-up

[Hook x2]

Shout out to Deni who livin' great love life!
Rest in peace, Deni's former girl, word-up
To everybody likes Andi, and even Zul
Life lesson for y'all, word-up

Tłumaczenie piosenki

Nikt nie dodał jeszcze tłumaczenia do tej piosenki. Bądź pierwszy!
Jeśli znasz język na tyle, aby móc swobodnie przetłumaczyć ten tekst, zrób to i dołóż swoją cegiełkę do opisu tej piosenki. Po sprawdzeniu tłumaczenia przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy je jako oficjalne tłumaczenie utworu!

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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