ITSTHEDUKE - Hungry [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Sango

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Tekst piosenki


Hungry all week
I've been so hungry all week
Give my soul something to eat
My soul has been feelin so weak
I've been hungry all week
I've been hungry all week

The air's thin round here
Whiz Kids lit sparked something so smokes thick round here
Grab a hazmat suit and some hunter boots
Yellow tone Jodeci with Caucasian roots

Smoke so loud you can hear us all night
Never running cause we finning to fight
Movin so slow like you leaning on sprite
Pick up the tempo like lines of the white

Wait We don't do that shit
I been hungry all week I eat her ditch
Fuck lube her pussy spit

Basic these bitches basic I want some A list
Bitches they call me asshole that where they take it
Calling these girls are falling in love with Dommy
Comme de Garcerone she sees me buying
(You don't even know)

And I've been so hungry all week
I've been hungry all week
Give my soul something to eat
My soul has been feelin so weak
I've been Hungry all week
I've been

You lucky God didn't mispronounce your face
You lucky God gave you metabolism
To keep that Asian waste at persuasion's pace
Or are you throwing up at every dinner date
Believe me hun You're OK You'd hate to state
You're a 10 cause you see an 8 but wait

(Hold up Hold Up)
Bougie bitches popping zanies like tic-tacs
Blacking out on a Monday night just cause they fin' do that
Waking up with no appetite grab saltines for that car ride
I'm smelling vodka on your breath at 8 AM. You alright?

And you ain't been hungry all week
I see it I smell it its so fake I hate it it's your vanity
Whats Marilyn Monroe without Kennedy
Another floozy that wants into the penthouse but don't have a key

You been sleeping with him but you fucking with me
Girl don't you fuck with me
If I don't have a shot give a bottle to me
I've been hungry all week but your thirsty for d

You're too salty for me I'll change the seasoning
Summer was fun but I'm ready for spring
Without the bee stings
Fuck a bee sting

And I don't miss that bitch
And I…. I don't miss that bitch
But I

And I don't miss that bitch
And I don't miss that bitch
But I do miss that bitch cause uh she's uh...

She a bad bitch she a bad bad bitch
She a bad bad bad bad bad bitch
She a bad bad bad bad bad bitch
She a bad bad bitch She a bad
(Y'all don't wanna fuck with us)

She a bad bad bad bad bitch
She a bad bad bitch

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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