Izzy Eastlick - Blood prod. Cavalier (feat. FIFTY GRAND) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Izzy Eastlick
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Fifty Grand, Cavalier
Tekst: Israel Eastlick

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Tekst piosenki

Let us pray
Dear father
Forgive me
I see what the enemy does
There is no place to hide
There is no place to run

Catch you on the black on black
I heard yo words, Thats a trap on trap
A snitch gone snitch, Thats a knife to ya back
Let me see that face and I'll gladly snap
All them devils right in my hat
Am I gonna stop, Man there ain't no cap
Infinite I ain't going back
Don't care for color, no going bad
That weakness made me strong!
That ringing in my bones!
I write these sing-a-longs!
My purpose is my passion
Thats the reason I move on!
I'm screaming from my soul!
Green light it's a go!
I'm a king so where's the gold!?
Ya'll can feed it to ya demons
Rest in peace, I need a rope!
Anaconda to ya neck
Try to talk, you bout to choke!
Less its truth i don't need it
Cuz I'm tired of the smoke!
All that B.S this P.S
I can see right through ya jokes
I don't fiddle with your riddles
I'll make your heart melt
I'll turn you soft shell
You know thats heart felt
He took the spec out of my eye
Time to give em hell!
Tchau! I won't see you well!
All those lies
Do or die!
No surprise!
My third eye!
No deception, my perception
Holy one!
Locked and loaded, Yu-Yu with that spirit gun!
My eye's are the tiger's
In the jungle so you better run!
Fallen Angels, Giants
It don't matter when its said and done!
E.T. better phone home
Homie you'll be ray stunned
Charles got his sight back
Xavier I am son!
That next man, X-man
Heard my Father up in Heaven
Yes man, S-man!
Wear it in my chest!
Try me with that kryptonite!
And you gone be a mess!
League of Legends I'm a smite!
Ain't a creature in existence wanna temper with His might!
Keep on talking all that talk, He gone shut you up on sight!
Santa don't even exist, this no naughty or who's nice
I'm talking Elohim, Author of whats wrong and right!
My tongue is his katana, Here goes nothing, Thats a slice!
A vector in your anime
A victor in this life!
I, see through His spectrum
Projecting off this light
Try to hide in the darkness and you won't be alright
Whats a shadow to its maker?
Definition of fright!
There is grace if your'e sorry
If not thats suicide
Kill your ego, Kill your selfishness and don't forget the pride
We can all co-exist
If we love with our life!
Let our difference be attractive
So we all can survive
Build a unity, community
Will always start with I
Make a difference
I pray you listen...


Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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