K Camp - All The Way Down [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: K Camp
Album: Fan 4 Life
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Big Fruit

Tekst piosenki

All the way down...
All the way down...

We take it all the way down to the ground
You got that booty girl, it goes around & 'round
How low can you go, I should be throwin' ones in the air for this show
You take it all the way down, girl it's show time, your time, girl it's go time...
You take it all the way down, girl it's show time, your time, girl it's go time...

[Verse 1]
Okay she drop it like a foe foe
Throw it up we let it go
Watch this girl put on the show
I ain't never seen that like an U.F.O.,
It's go time, Lil' Mama so fine
Get it to my crib & she be hot in thraws in no time
Real shit my team here
All american dream here
Girl don't stop what you doin'
We keep that check like a cashier
Move so clear we doin that
Baby girl keep doing that
& I swear if you keep doin that
We gon let this money stack
I told that girl it's showtime
So take it all the way down
We throw it up in no time we the hottest niggas around
You already know the deal
Had to show her who real
Hold on maybe she want & then again she will (yeaah)


[Verse 2]
Ok the lights, camera, action
She the main attraction
How we do is add it up
While you niggas is subtractin'
Take it to the flow
Girl I'm talkin low
And she can do some thangs that you never ever seen before...
Okay then
We can go just say when
Late night gray pipe
We livin' that like the pizzamen
Go girl bring it back no replay
You fuckin 'round with a real nigga
You can check my resume
Cheatin' wild like a cheveley
Stay on top like a twopay
Errythang A1
So take it down like a stareway
Yeah girl you the bomb
Gotta keep you around
Like you livin in the basement
Take it all the way down (yeaah)

We take it all the way down to the ground
You got that booty girl, it goes around & 'round
How low can you go, I should be throwin' ones in the air for this show
You take it all the way down, girl it's show time, your time, girl it's go time...
You take it all the way down, girl it's show time, your time, girl it's go time...

You take it all the way down, girl it's show time, your time, girl it's go time...
You take it all the way down, girl it's show time, your time, girl it's go time...

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Interpretacja piosenki

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