Lil Jon - What U 'Gon Do (Remix) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Lil Jon
Album: Crunk Juice (Deluxe Set)
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Lil Jon]: Yeah!!!

[Elephant Man] (Lil Jon)
Yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yiggy yiggy (What!!!)
Yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yiggy

[Lil Jon] (*Elephant Man)
Check this out right! It's Lil Jon and the motherfuckin Eastside Boyz (What!!!)
The Kings Of Crunk (What!!!) back at you with some new shit (Yeah!)
Now just cause we 'gon platinum and shit (What!!!)
Don't mean we 'gon change nigga (What!!!)
We the motherfuckin Kings Of Crunk! (Yeah!)
And we 'gon always get this motherfucker crunk
(*Down South, Bomb a Drop!!! Come on!!!)
Let me talk about some niggas

[Verse 1: Elephant Man]
Gangstas get busy throw it up and rep yuh city city
Elephant and Eastside Boyz up in the plizzy plizzy
Likkle Jon mek dem dance and keepinn it jiggy jiggy
Hennessy and Crunk Juice mek dem head dizzy dizzy

[Verse 2: Lil Jon]
Fuck nigga what's up hell naw you ain't 'gon buck
All that shittin out ya mouth 'gon get ya wet up
Fuck nigga what's up hell naw you ain't 'gon buck
All that shittin out ya mouth 'gon get ya wet up
You done came in the club with your motherfuckin click
We don't give a fuck ho, y'all pussy like bitch
You done came in the club with your motherfuckin click
We don't give a fuck ho, y'all pussy like bitch
It's them Eastside niggas and they deep in this bitch
And they step to every nigga that be talkin that shit
It's them Westside niggas and they deep in this bitch
And they step to every nigga that be talkin that shit
It's them Northside niggas and they deep in this bitch
And they step to every nigga that be talkin that shit
It's them Southside niggas and they deep in this bitch
And they step to every nigga that be talkin that shit

[Hook: Lil Jon]
If you fall up in the club and them niggas wanna mug
When you step up in they face what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
If you fall up in the club and them hoes start actin up
When you step up in they face what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
A what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
What they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
What they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
A what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
A what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
What they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
What they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
A what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!) (Lady Saw: Yuh see mi?)

[Verse 3: Lady Saw]
Sit yuh fuckin ass down before yuh get shot down
Shut yuh mouth now bitch before yuh get slapped down
Lady Saw and Likkle Jon have di place locked down
If yuh nuh like how we do it then back di fuck down
Yuh need to bite yuh lips, stop talkin shit
All yuh bitches out there caan do it like this
Our styles our hips and all yuh hypocrites
Shut di fuck up before yuh feel we case switch
Tell me what are you gonna do? (Weh yuh a go do?! Huh!!!!)
When Lil Jon and the crew come through (I don't know! I don't know!)
I would run the fuck home if I were you (I would get my ass home right now)
Stop tryin to walk a mile or two in our shoes (Yo mek mi tell yuh this now!!!)
Now mek mi send fi mi bwoys dem shoot up di car
Send fi di shottas then tell dem a war
All yuh fools should know who we are
Neva yuh disrespect no star
Crazy!!! Yuh know we hype!!!
We are facety sometimes nice
We aren't no babies so all you guys
Please shut yuh mouth and stop all di lies (Fools!!!)

[Verse 4: Elephant Man]
Mi ready ready ready mad mi sick mi head gone
Mi ready ready ATL, Elephant Man ready!!!

[Hook: Lil Jon]
If you fall up in the club and them niggas wanna mug
When you step up in they face what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
If you fall up in the club and them hoes start actin up
When you step up in they face what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
A what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
What they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
What they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
A what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
A what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
What they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
What they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
A what they 'gon do! (SHIT!!!)
[Verse 5: Elephant Man]
A ready! What yuh ice grillin mi for? (Dem a club badbwoy!)
Step to we yuh get destroyed (Dem a club badbwoy!)
Knock yuh out like we do Roy (Dem a club badbwoy!)
Dem a club bad who? Club badbwoy!
Lil Jon run di city (That's what's up!)
Disappear when yuh see we (That's what's up!)
Jamaicans nah nuh pity (That's what's who!)
That's what's up! (A weddy!!!!)
We nuh care who yuh pray to could a holla could a Buddha
When mi shotta come try stand up like Luda
See if yuh nuh get end up out di ruga (RAH!!!!)
Push di nozzle in yuh mouth mek yuh suck on it like a soda
Yuh coulda, bawl fi yuh muma well if a Aruba
Jon squeeze di ruga try stop it wid yuh ooba cahooba
Shot inna di ATL mek him head land ova Cuba
Lil Jon mad, nah nuh head, why yuh spreadin ruma?
Yuh story dem nuh logic cau yuh only a assuma
(Kill yuh gooba) Yuh nuh hear seh dat we get we gun diploma
Shot will mek yuh big head fly wey like witch deh pon a brooma
Sound from mi gun buss and a give yuh brain tooma
Fire from di nozzle just a bun yuh like a fooma
Stack who nuh site yuh dead and dog a draw wey yuh Puma
Fiber glass Glock dat a mek out a Aluma
Get mi cross Likkle Jon, yeah!
Gangstas get busy throw it up and rep yuh city city
Elephant and Eastside Boyz up in the plizzy plizzy
Likkle Jon mek dem dance and keepinn it jiggy jiggy
Hennessy and Crunk Juice mek dem head dizzy dizzy
[Outro: Lil Jon] (Elephant Man)
Hey! (Come on!) Hey! Hey! Yeah! Hey! (Scoobay! Away!)
It's the motherfuckin remix! Yeah! (Clear!) It's the motherfuckin remix!
(Bomb a drop!) Hey! (Come on!)

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Interpretacja piosenki

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