Metro Boomin feat. 21 Savage - Niagara Falls (Foot or 2) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Metro Boomin
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Travis Scott & 21 Savage]
We done did so much around the law (21)
I done seen so much I shouldn't've saw (Straight up)
Tatted teardrops, call Niagara Falls (Straight up)
It been up and down but never fall (On God)
I been at the lab behind the wall (21)
I been at the lab behind the—

[Chorus: Travis Scott & 21 Savage]
Ratchet bitches wanted Frenchy's, not Philippe
That's the type to put me in my mood (In my mood)
She know that I'm mobbin', she come cool for me
She know how to put me in my groove (On God)
I know it's a lot that you can learn from me
It's just one thing that you gotta prove (Straight up)
If you gotta walk, would you still ride for me?
I might need a extra foot or two (Straight up)
Gotta keep my distance, they surroundin' me
I might need a extra foot or two (Foot or two)
They might havе to go and build a house for me
I might need a extra foot or— (21)

[Verse 1: 21 Savage & Travis Scott]
Crib samе size as the Galleria (Galleria, phew)
Spanish model with me, call her "Señorita" (Señorita, phew)
I done fell in love with a hood girl
She be puttin' syrup in her margaritas (Margarita, phew)
Bought my college vibe a brand new Birkin (On God, phew)
On the weekend, she be twerkin' (Straight up, phew)
Take a shower in the Maybach, it got curtains (21)
Leave your phone in your purse, you makin' me nervous (Lil' bitch, phew)
Saint Laurent Don fresher than detergent (I be clean, phew)
Got a crush on this waitress, ho, she serve me (Nah mean? Phew)
Porsche headlights on, Kermit the Frog (21, 21, Phew)
Michael Vick, number seven, I'm a dawg (Big dawg, phew)

[Chorus: Travis Scott]
Ratchet bitches wanted Frenchy's, not Philippe (Ah)
That's the type to put me in my mood (Yeah)
She know that I'm mobbin', she come cool for me (Ah, ah)
She know how to put me in my groove (Yeah)
I know it's a lot that you can learn from me (Ooh)
It's just one thing that you gotta prove (Ah, ah)
If you gotta walk, would you still ride for me? (Ah, ah)
I might need a extra foot or two (Ah, ah, oh)
Gotta keep my distance, they surroundin' me (Ooh)
I might need a extra foot or two (Ooh)
They might have to go and build a house for me (Ooh)
I might need a extra foot or— (Ooh)

[Verse 2: Travis Scott]
We done did so much around the law
Stay up to forget 'bout what I saw
Powers keep increasin' by the bar
Shit don't make you sleepy after all
Shoppin' in my closet, not the mall
Openin' my mouth, a disco ball
Ice and the marble on the wall
I been into designin' it all, all, all
Water down her eyes, Niagara Falls
Got too many numbers; who to call?
Made too many ways for you to cross
Now we lookin' down and then we ball, ball, ball

[Chorus: Travis Scott]
Ratchet bitches wanted Frenchy's, not Philippe (Ah)
That's the type to put me in my mood (Yeah)
She know that I'm mobbin', she come cool for me (Ah, ah)
She know how to put me in my groove (Yeah)
I know it's a lot that you can learn from me (Ooh)
It's just one thing that you gotta prove (Ah, ah)
If you gotta walk, would you still ride for me? (Ah, ah)
I might need a extra foot or two (Ah, ah, oh)
Gotta keep my distance, they surroundin' me (Ooh)
I might need a extra foot or two (Ooh)
They might have to go and build a house for me (Ooh)
I might need a extra foot or— (Ooh)
[Outro: Morgan Freeman]
Villains don't perceive themselves as wrong
And all heroes do not wear capes
Villains are made, not born
Most times, the villain and the hero's beginnings,
unlike their endings, take nearly identical shape and form

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

Na "Niagara Falls (Foot or 2)", Travis Scott i 21 Savage rapują nad niesamowitym, psychodelicznym bitem od Metro Boomin o ich wystawnym stylu życia i kobietach w ich życiu, mówiąc o ich stale rosnących imperiach, które mogą potrzebować.


Utwór został po raz pierwszy przedpremierowo zaprezentowany przez CHASE B i Travisa Scotta podczas show Season 2 Episode 3 ich Apple Music Radio .WAV RADIO 7 października 2020 roku. 30 listopada 2022 roku, ponad dwa lata po tym, jak piosenka została pierwotnie teasowana, ujawniono, że utwór znajdzie się na drugim albumie Metro Boomin, „HEROES & VILLAINS”.


21 Savage porównuje wielkość swojego domu do centrum handlowego The Galleria w Houston w Teksasie, skąd pochodzi Travis. Jest to największe centrum handlowe w Teksasie o powierzchni 3 milionów stóp kwadratowych i zawiera takie sklepy jak Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent i Dior.


Ultra-luksusowy Mercedes Maybach powszechnie pochodzi z opcją włączenia zasłon w oknach tylnych siedzeń, aby chronić prywatność mieszkańca, gdy jest on prowadzony przez szofera. 21 dopasowuje to do koncepcji zasłon prysznicowych.

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