Paris (Rapper) - Coffee, Donuts, and Death [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Paris (Rapper)
Album: Sleeping With the Enemy
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Paris (Rapper)

Tekst piosenki

12:15, lay real low at night
Creep in a jeep hit the corner tight
Finna go clip they wings
But gotta keep it neat and clean
One-time [blam] make it so they momma cry
Y’all shoulda eased up when I told you last time
But now I gotta do it the hard way
P-A-Y-back day
Then we see 'em, the black and white on sixth street
Cut a left in the lot of Mickey D’s
And pulled up to the window
Ssshhh! Big Yon creeped on him real slow
He could see when he looked at me
That a brother wasn’t thinkin’ 'bout shit but the payback
Rollin’ with a panther, trained well
No need for the hollerin’ - fuck jail
Only two gats in the ride
But the black still had, the element of surprise
Now I’m aimin’ straight for the dome
Cause I’m thinkin’ about my homey’s moms alone
Cryin’ cause her baby’s dead man
This pig finna kiss the lead man
As an example so all the blue coats know
You get poached when you fuck with black folk
Said it 'til my voice was hoarse
I ain’t down with excessive force
But of course I wasn’t heard so I’m silent now
Black folk can’t be non-violent now
I’d rather just lay you down, spray you down
'Til justice come around
Cause without it there’ll be no peace
The only motherfuckin’ pig that I eat is police
Do it like Che said, so it work
Stampede, retreat in guerrilla spurts
And see that ya caps are peeled like potatoes
Cause this is a war and pigs hate us
If ya don't think so ask Nina G
Cause she was raped two times by OPD
By a motherfucking pig named Riley
So when I pinch I don’t flinch or smile, see
I just laid low for the night to come
Rounded up the click, to straight drop the bomb
And got with K-Cloud for the throwaways
Went far, rented a car, and took off the plates
And came back through to the place where
Everybody knew that they was gonna show they face at
Stepped up, crept up, as I held my breath
And then I squeezed, coffee, donuts, and...
[Blam blam blam, blam, blam]
[Officer down, we need backup, there's an office down here
Oh shit!]

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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