Paris (Rapper) - Pistol Politics [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Paris (Rapper)
Album: Pistol Politics
Data wydania: 2015-09-11
Gatunek: Rap, Hip Hop, Conscious Hip-Hop
Producent: Paris (Rapper)
Tekst: Paris (Rapper)

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1: Paris]
Mic checka one, two, welcome to the movement
Nut check on this hollywood gangsta coonin'
On deck, still freedom fightin' for improvement
From a vet, do or die, sucka free I'm ruthless
Everyday we see the way they always do us
The 99% is talkin', but does that include us?
9 times out of 10 our problems deal with shootin'
I got 99 problems but I can't confuse 'em
The real shit is who dies and who's cryin'
Whose lives always touched in the clutch of violence
Immortalized on a t-shirt, hear the sirens
Hella straps for these young cats, who supply 'em?
All I care about is violence in our neighborhoods
It's all silence when it comes to stifilin' the hoods
It's all silence when it comes to violence in the hood
Cryin' Trayvon but everyday it's on in blood
I say, to ya face, what about the blappin'
No applause, what's the cause for these niggas clappin'?
Is it the message these off brand cats is rappin'?
I'm spittin' hard truth to you, nigga put THAT in
I never run, stay about my business
Take this black on black thang back before we end us
Make this blue on black activate the soldier in us
Make it motivate us to eliminate the menace

[Hook: Sandy Griffith]
Hard truth, is what we came to tell ya
So recognize who really got balls
It ain't too many true ones left
But you don't have to worry at all
We sacrifice our lives
Keep the movement on the rise
Lift ya voice and sing, lift ya fist and swing
Forever givin' you all we got

[Verse 2: Paris]
Another nigga dead, wig split by aggressors
Choke the trigger make these pigs understand the message
Keep your motherfuckin hands off all my brethren
Make this gat cough, get up off this forced confession
Make it plain so you understand the lesson
Leave his racist ass guessin' with the smith and wesson
All guerrilla from the sidelines, no concessions
I'm providin' you these guidelines for the method

One, don't engage a pig, 'less you have to
Two, never tell 'em they can search, that's the worst move
Three, fuck a protest bruh, this ain't the 60's, they could give a fuck and niggas get they ass whupped quickly
Four, And since we on that protest shit, know you ain't protestin' if you askin’ permission
Five, stop puttin’ all your business in the street, Facebook is just another way for police to infiltrate
Six, stop trustin' the new, they'll go and tell, only let ya real folks know, remember cointel
Seven, tearin’ up these small businesses just ain't the answer
If you need to mob? Take a molotov to the chancellor
Cause chances are your chances are hella slim
To pay for college why the knowledge gotta be for them?
Eight, never go toe-to-toe, keep it gunplay
From a distance so that you can live to fight another day
Nine, only get with the guilty for what they did, careful when you ride, never brutalize the innocent
Ten, and keep it all an eye for an eye, listen, even if we blind, let the punishment fit the crime

One, two, ah yep, yep, huh
On blue, ah yep, yep, ah yep, yep
It's all true, ah yep, yep, ah yep, yep
We fall through, ah yep, yep, ah yep, now you know

[Hook: Sandy Griffith]
Hard truth, (Yeah)
Is what we came to tell ya (That’s right)
So recognize who really got balls
It ain't too many true ones left (Uh-huh)
But you don't have to worry at all
We sacrifice our lives
Keep the movement on the rise
Lift ya voice and sing, lift ya fist and swing
Forever givin' you all we got

[Verse 3: Paris]
Now look here, you can occupy these nuts
I got 99 problems the percent ain't one
No outcry when we die, you never noticed the plight
Of brutal class oppression till recession ravaged the whites
Now you fall in, we all in the same gang, right
At least until these companies proceed to tell us they hirin'
'Til these companies again see that it's cheaper to fire
And lie and kill the dreams of people simply tryin' to survive, and I'm tired
But it's all good, we all good, when y'all good
It's all good as long as struggle's all in the hood
Call the cops, George, and profile, these negroes, we know how
The story ends with skittles in my hand, no hope for survival
I'm liable, to crack your motherfuckin' face
And get to shootin’ then we'll see if you get a taste
And see if you will see excuses as acceptable claims
Or if you'll do to me what should be your solution for him
P Motherfuckin' Dog, motherfuckin' "woof"
I tear the roof off this motherfucka, hollerin' truth
With no slapstick, or buck dance, no Flavs without the Chucks, man
Y'all suck man, I'm seein' through the coonin' and the yuks man
I'm seasoned, west coast motherfuckin' G
Sucka Free, Cali Bred Revolutionary
And it ain't no Sinatra wannabe in me
Fuck peace, I cross 'em out and put a K for my Freedom, believe it

So come on people "oh yeah"
Join in the struggle "oh yeah"
Fight for liberation "oh yeah"
Every generation "oh yeah"

So come on people "oh yeah"
Join in the struggle "oh yeah"
Fight for liberation "oh yeah"
Every generation "oh yeah"

Gun, pick up the gun, pick up the gun
And put the pigs on the run, pick up the gun
Know the game plan, look at how they always do us
It's pistol politics, know the enemy is ruthless

Gun, pick up the gun, pick up the gun
And put the pigs on the run, pick up the gun
Take a look around, recognize and take notice
Stop the black on black violence and stay focused

Gun, pick up the gun, pick up the gun
And put the pigs on the run, pick up the gun
Know the game plan, look at how they always do us
It's pistol politics, know the enemy is ruthless

Gun, pick up the gun, pick up the gun
And put the pigs on the run, pick up the gun
Take a look around, recognize and take notice
Stop the black on black violence and stay focused

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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