The Gaslight Anthem - Helter Skeleton [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: The Gaslight Anthem
Album: Get Hurt
Gatunek: Rock, Indie Rock

Tekst piosenki

See, I know a nurse specialized in the worst
When you’re a friend in need, she’ll be your friend indeed
When you can’t find your tongue and when your rationale weeps
She says uh, huh, huh

So why don’t you lean on me if you wanna?
Why don’t you lean on me for a while?
Since you only get high on the weekends, uh huh
Why don’t you feed on me tonight?

See I know the taste of the sparks in your brains
As you crawl to me, a little closer to me
I guess you’re in the place that I used to be baby
Now it’s down to me, so simply down to me
Oh, but I’m a fool and I fall apart too easily
Cause you know me how I love to be with Madame Misery
Come and visit me, I’m on the 99th floor of apathy

But still you can lean on me if you wanna
Why don’t you lean on me for a while?
Since you only get high on the weekends, uh huh
Why don’t you feed on me tonight?

She said that there will always be a soft spot in my cardiac arrest
And I will love you until I die from all of this
And something tells me I will die alone

But still you can lean on me if you wanna
So why don’t you lean on me for a while?
Since you only get high on the weekends, uh huh
Why don’t you feed on me tonight?
(See, I know the taste of the spark in your brains
As you crawl to me a little closer to me.)
Why don’t you feed on me tonight?
(Oh Madame Misery, come and visit me
Oh won’t you crawl to me, a little closer to me?
Madame Misery, come and visit me
Oh won’t you crawl to me, a little closer to me?)

And baby there will always be a soft spot in my cardiac arrest
And I will love you ‘til I die from all of this, yeah
And there will always be a soft spot in my cardiac arrest
And I will love you 'til I die from this

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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