T.I. - Collect Call [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: T.I.
Album: Paper Trail, Paper Trail: Case Closed
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

* iTunes bonus track on the "Deluxe Edition"

[T.I. - Intro]
I know it been a minute since I had a lil' one-on-one witcha..
Heh, or should I say one-on-one-million?
But..I just gotta say man
Through the lil' period in my life, man
I really see how fucked up some of you suckas is, man..
Remember, I don't really need shit!
It's the thought that counts..

On top of the world when I'm standin tall
But if I ever ever had to take a fall
Will you accept my collect call?
Will you accept my collect call?
Cause everybody loves you when you balllllin
But don't nobody want you when you falllllin, (I gotta know)
Will you accept my collect call? (I gotta know)
Will you accept my collect call?

[T.I. - over Hook]
I think I'mma forget this shit homie
Huh? Hah
Don't holla at me in the club, nigga fuck you!
Real talk, nigga..Tell the truth, shawty..
Be f'real

[T.I. - Verse 1ne]
I was told way back in the day when I was trappin
Nevermind what niggas say, judge 'em all on they actions
It's hard to imagine when you travelin
Havin fun gettin paper catch a case and see how niggas act then
Out the cell, partna been five, he rattin on me
Got a little Benja' pension, now they turn they back on me (Did who?)
Shiiit, cause out of sight is out of mind
Better put your trust in God, homie man'll let you down err'ytime
(Real talk) And I'm speakin from experience, serious
Imagine my suprise hearin from the inside
Err'ybody talkin bout me like the nigga just died
"Tip gone twenty years at the least, bet five" ("Nigga f'real, nigga you can't get away wit dat shit!")
Man niggas just lie for suspicion of extension ("Dat nigga kept it")
Not to mention the rumors of me committin suicide ("He KILLED HISSELF??")
God will open your eyes and show you who really witcha
But keep it in the back of your mind when it's over how niggas did ya
(I won't forget..)


[T.I. - Verse 2wo]
I ain't never asked a nigga to do shit for me
I wouldn't do in return, but guess you live and you learn
Don't expect my well bein to be a nigga concern
Cause I know that ain't the way the world turn
Cause err'body love to see a nigga assed out
Rather see ya lose it all than to see you cash out
They gossip like bitches, I don't e'en ask how
Cause niggas ain't shit, I believe that now
And it even matter how much you do for people
They'll love to see ya beat down livin in the gutta - what a
Shame at the least in the game when you see
They want you locked up more than the police
The sucka can't wait to get a nigga off the street
They hate to see me sittin on butter soft seats ("Look at dat nigga!")
Dog peep, bet to you don't e'en make sense
But that mentality EXACTLY why you'll never be rich - hater!


[T.I. - Verse 3hree]
I remain a stand up guy no matter what I
Stood tall, chest out, head up high
Wit my back against the wall, layin it all on the line
Wit God on my side I perform e'rytime
(Must I remind you?) Similar to a miracle, just short of amazin
Survived shit that would've drove most niggas crazy
Rose to the occasion, whatever situation
Suprised haters and came out guns a-blazin
Theoretically speakin, but you rather be thinkin
I'll fold cause you would if you were me, I know
All I got is the family, friends come and go
And with that understandin, I put none befo'
My folk, y'know enough to do the same I hope
If not...Shit, ya ass'll find out
When you on top e'rybody wanna ball wit ya
But when ya not you wouldn't even know who to call, would ya?


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Interpretacja piosenki

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