Tinie Tempah - You Know What [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Tinie Tempah
Album: Happy Birthday
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: S-X

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1: Tinie Tempah]
Life is just a blur, just how I prefer
She be on her knees, but she ain't in Church
England's favourite rapper, fuck how much I'm worth
Them niggas asking if I'm rich though? Duh!
Oh my fucking word, British connoisseur
Ask them boy from Coldplay
Ask them boy from Blur
Man I didn't buy the Aston
Cause when I speed it swerve
We celebrating every night like it's December 31st
You fools are stuck in April
Wake up in a telly
Told my cleaner she should run a fucking hoover on the table
Me, Akon and Usher, 20 thousand in the Staple, uh
Roger, I'm a MVP up in that label
Man Jalouse or Whiskey Mist

I'm fucking high gettin' pissed as shit
Nigga all my flights are business class
All my trips is business trips
Do it all or don't do nothing
A hundred thousand pound or more in every discussion

Told you I'mma blow up, niggas get your dough up
You pay them to get in, I get paid to show up
You know what? You know what?
You know what? You know what?
That shit from Cali make me slow up
Rose make me throw up
How these 30 year old bitches tellin' me that I should grow up?
You know what? You know what?
You know what? You know what?

[Verse 2: Tinie Tempah]
Platinum disk money, damn you the shit money
I'm tryna get that Will, Jada and Willow Smith money
In 3 days I've been in 6 countries
I hustle hard, day and night, Kid Cudi
She say before she go and fuck she wanna sniff somethin'
I got these bitches on trial like I'm witch huntin'
You take 'em out, you let her pick something
While my yard chick cook me curry goat and big dumpling
I pull out a thousand ones and tell her strip something
I bet she let's me fuck her even if she with someone
Back it up, back it up
Baby back it up, that shawty bootyy crazy spectacular
Like she from Africa
Call my money jenga, cause of the way I stack it up
Money up on money, racks on racks and such
Plus I got me some sneaking bitches in and out the back of clubs
Said I live a very wild life, David Attenborough
Nigga I told you that I'm a blow up


[Verse 3: Tinie Tempah]
I'm on that Henny and Patron nigga tough kidneys
You ain't got enough stamina to fuck with me
Fuck you, fuck you, nigga I talk money
B-b-b-buck tooth
My mouths potty like I don't know what a censor is
They don't let you in this club without a membership
Donald Trump profit, take an apprenticeship
Nigga this is mad, Ricky crazy, dope expensive shit


Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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