Trey Coachman - Fre$hman [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Trey Coachman
Album: Track 10 on Inceptive Aspects
Data wydania: 2013-06-03
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Silky Johnson

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Tekst piosenki

Fresh out of middle school
Feeling just pretty cool
Heading down the block
Cause I’d be going to the high school
With all these classes
This be given be passing
Figure so many ways I won’t be stressing just relaxing
Just before school starts
I played a big part
Getting attention and fame
For acting as Kanye
At halftime of football games
I’ll feeling awesome and fine
So getting ready for this whole new exciting thing

[Verse 1]
A middle school now going to the high school
A little cooler coming in like a typhoon
With a huge class to help me out a bit
I want to be accepted, I don’t want to fit in
Cause I know my place, already took this in the summer
Not cause I’m dumber, my mom likes any chance to make me smarter
All these new faces, should I shift my image?
Na how about I pile new things into in
More ohanas equals more drama
Except I regress from drama
Cause I believe in karma
So I already plucked things I don’t admire about myself
That doesn't require batteries
Now I’m fully charged up
Stop saying you’re in charge
Thank you more and more for keeping me on my feet
So I don’t trip
Walking into these doors I give myself a little kick


So crowded in the halls when the bell rings
So I did like my birthday that’s up in spring
My music to view, love it like an offspring
I'm spreading it around call it small pox
Small cause it’s unheard to mass majorities
Tiny beats, large heart
With other people that sets the standards away from me
While I rest
Relieving stress, pain off, like a switch so quick and wait a sec
I don’t think of all the problems before I thought I would have
But actually this is pretty rad
No longer getting pads on my back
Cause I gain respect, no text on it saying kick me
Actually, people are asking me if I’m a sophomore
Score, have no more tension from before
Hard core to the bone, music as an outcome
Getting well known some say I know everybody
I say no I know your everybody but not my everybody
Yeah I’ve changed to adapted be here, the only constant in life
Bite my way into so I gonna be hard to spit me out
I’ve been praying and waiting ever since I was born
I look into the mirror, I can tell for sure this freshman ain’t gonna be soft-any-more


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Interpretacja piosenki

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