Van Morrison - Saint Dominic's Preview [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Van Morrison
Album: Saint Dominic's Preview
Gatunek: Pop

Tekst piosenki

Chamois cleaning all the windows
Singing songs about Edith Piaf's soul
And I hear blue strains of "no regredior"
Across the street from Cathedral Notre Dame

Meanwhile back in San Francisco
We're trying hard to make this whole thing blend
As we sit upon this jagged
Storey block, with you my friend

And it's a long way to Buffalo
It's a long way to Belfast city too
And I'm hoping the joist won't blow the hoist
'cos this time, they bit off more than they can chew

As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
Saint Dominic's Preview
Saint Dominic's Preview
Saint Dominic's Preview

All the orange boxes are scattered
Against the Safeway's supermarket in the rain
And everybody feels so determined
Not to feel anyone else's pain

(You know that) No one's making no commitments
To anybody but themselves
Hidin' behind closed doorways
Tryin' to get outside, outside of empty shells

And for every cross-cuttin' country corner
For every Hank Williams railroad train that cried
And all the chains, badges, flags and emblems
And every strain on every brain and every eye (?)

As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
Saint Dominic's Preview
Saint Dominic's Preview
Saint Dominic's Preview

And the restaurant tables are completely covered
The record company has paid out for the wine
You got everything in the world you ever wanted
Right about now your face should wear a smile

That's the way it all should happen
When you're in, when you're in the state you're in;
You've got your pen and notebook ready
I think it's about time, time for us to begin

And we're over in a 52nd Street apartment
Socializing with the white hope few
Just to be hip and get wet with the jet set
But they're flying too high to see my point of view

As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
Saint Dominic's Preview
Saint Dominic's Preview
Saint Dominic's Preview

See them freedom marching
Out on the street, freedom marching
Saint Dominic's Preview

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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