Van Morrison - You Make Me Feel So Free [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Van Morrison
Album: Into the Music
Gatunek: Rock

Tekst piosenki

Some people spend their time just runnin' round in circles
Always chasing some exotic bird
I prefer to spend some time just listening for that special something
That I've never ever heard
I like a new song to sing, another show or somewhere entirely different to be
But baby you make me feel so free

And so I yearn for a mistress calling me
That's the muse, that's the muse
But we only burn up with that passion
When there's absolutely nothing left to lose
I make it to spring and there's no bed of roses
Just more hard work and bad company
But baby you make me feel so free

I heard them say that you can have your cake and eat it
But all I wanted was one free lunch
How can I eat it when the man that's next to me, he grabbed it
Lord, he beat me to the punch

How can I even talk about freedom
When you know it's sweet mystery
But baby I wanna say that you make me feel so free

I'm gonna lay my cards just right down on the table
And spin the wheel and roll the dice
And whatever way it comes out
And whatever way it turns out
Well you know that's the price
Well I'll order again there's no need to explain
I just need somewhere to dump all my negativity

But baby you make me feel so free

What ya say what you say
What you say what you say what you say
Say it say it say it say it again

You make me feel so free
So doggone free

Songwriter: Van Morrison

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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