Casual - Be Thousand [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Casual
Album: Fear Itself
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Domino

Tekst piosenki

This is how we rolling, swollen
On a Saturday I had a way to chill hard
Three ill broads wanted to hook up
So I looked up, Tajai and Snupe
Call 'em up, a-yo what's up?
We need to troop to these ho's house
[Tajai] Yo where they stay at?
73rd and Lockwood
[Tajai] What?
But the cops good
[Tajai] Aight
So don't trip, niggas ain't sweating
Plus they won't flip if you don't say nothing
[Snupe] Yo it ain't no thing, I'll bring a Glock
Just in case these niggas on her block
Don't wanna throw things
[Snupe] Yep
[Tajai] I'm with it, let's bounce
We gone, but first you know we
Gotta go to Lee's so I can get me an O.E
The hoes we fooling with look tight, make a right
It might be that one cause she said her shit was blue and white
But she sure don't drive no Cutlass
What is going on, I'm thinking, nah I'm tweaking
So we stepped to the door
[Snupe] Yo there they go
Yo I'm gonna do the whore
So I walk in
[Tajai] Yo, I hear men talking in the next room
If they flex, doom will be hawking
[Tajai] Them hoes is looking good as fuck
[Snupe] And if these niggas flex, then they gon' be getting bucked
Word 'em up, I'm glad I came with my men
Ask these skins, yo who's these niggas in your den
She said friends
Just then the nigga walked in with no grin
Fired up a stem and then said "What you looking at?"
I replied, "Nigga, you could get took for that!
"Let's take it outside."
We stepped to her porch calmly cause no nigga can harm me
I'll whoop his ass in the grass
We square up, I guard my grill, he's hard but still
He got a soft spot, I'mma beat him down until he cough up blood
Thugs surround but they can't tell
My man with the locks got a Glock supporting me
He tried to rush me, but I bust him in his grill
Caught him slipping, and I said "You oughta chill"
Then his friend tried to jump in
I had to find a piece of lead and rub his rump in
Suddenly the vice came for them niggas down the street in a dice game
I claim they can't find out my name
I got a warrant, they wanna put me in the house and
I bust this nigga's shit, now it's time to be thousand

Now it's time to be thousand (Repeat x3)

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jej treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe.
Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
Dodaj interpretację
Jeśli wiesz o czym śpiewa wykonawca, potrafisz czytać "między wierszami" i znasz historię tego utworu, możesz dodać interpretację tekstu. Po sprawdzeniu przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy ją jako oficjalną interpretację utworu!

Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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