Casual - I Didn't Mean To [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Casual
Album: Fear Itself, Hiero B-Sides Vol. 1
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Casual

Tekst piosenki

Verse One:

Alright I might
Have had a little glare when I stared at ya ho
But I didn't know she was like that
She stared right back
My niggas warnin me that she was comin on to me
I react like a mack do I act cool
Just to test her cause I ain't no jester
I suggest her and her friend be outtie
Cause I don't want to make my pals get rowdy
And doubt me our friendship
But when lips touch
I go crazy in the clutch
Sorta like schitzo I forgets my bros and pals over gals
I didn't mean to but when you fiend you do
Strange things for the denim no matter who's in em
Grab a flooze then I'm in traffic
Don't laugh it might be your girl that I'm talkin about
I didn't mean to

Chorus: Repeat 2X

It ain't my fault that your girl got caught
It ain't my fault that your girl got caught (I didn't mean to)

Verse Two:

Another incident when I went
Way beyond what I should of done
John should of stopped before them drawers dropped
But I didn't ain't no quittin
Really didn't care who's girl I was hittin
I admit skinz ain't a reason to lose friends
But then again I didn't know, sorry
Accept apologies and live on
Are we goin hold grudges well oh fudge
Its a new year and I do fear
Ya actions ya actin shy
I mean ya need to be smackin
That ho
Instead of tryin to front on me ya know
Thats exactly how I'm goin to be ya know
I run my game on any G ya know
Cause we the most entertainin
I meant to blame women
For makin me do what the AK seem to
When you call I screen you
I didn't mean to


Verse Three:

Why do fools be schememin dreamin
Actin like demons
Niggas don't give a fuck
Because they beat shit
To many girls front cute
When they want loot
They tell lies the swell guys
Can peep it and thats weak shit
Thats why I run game on every freak I get
Born in Oakland grew up pumpin Too Short
I know the rules on the flooze so who's short
I once had a ho who smoked blunts yo
She tried to get me so I looked at the front door
And now shes not with me so forget it
But every once in a while I'll hit it
And it happened to be your girl
I didn't mean to and I been through
Your relationship and I hate dumb dips
But I really can't trip when they ride my tip
I didn't mean to


Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jej treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe.
Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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