Horseshoe G.A.N.G - Buss It Down For Me [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Horseshoe G.A.N.G
Album: Mixtape Monthly Vol 2: Rewritin' History
Data wydania: 2013-12-20
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Andrew 'Dice' Dinero]
And she don't know a damn thang cuz a G is always silent on his campaign
She calls you by your government, homie that's lame
I make all these bitches call me by my rap name
Speakin' of my rape name, yo it's so nice
When I tell a chick it's good luck to blow on Dice
Come and take a ride, I don't own no bike
But jump on my handlebar and hold on tight
Skeet in your hair, wet it like it's shampoo
Before I eat the cake, let me get a sample
Skin tight skirt, lookin' sexy in them sandles
Walk in the room, smellin' scented candles
Baby all you get it pipe thrown at you
Never be my wife, no rice thrown at you
Live in the moment so life won't pass you
If you call me tomorrow, I won't answer

[Hook: Kobe]
Body like a porn star
In a head game killer, killer, killer, killer, killer
Somebody must've taught you well
Shorty sure is a keeper
I ain't never gonna trip on who you see
Just make sure you bust it down for me

And she don't even know the business, but she still wanna fuck with a boss
I know she think about us in different positions, so I know I fuck with her thoughts
See I slow strut, post up, keepin' a low pro', pants low plus
My hat low, hangin' low nuts, and I keep a down bitch or get-low sluts
They won't know, real niggas don't gloat
And plus I got a wifey when I go home
Tryin' to get you in my sheets, watch you go low
And blow slow, call that low blow
Yo, I can tell that she feelin' my fashion
Magic carpet ride, I got on some fly fabric
With me there's no tellin' what might happen
My hands is the brush, your body's my canvass

[Hook: Kobe]

[Crooked I]
And she don't know what going on
Wife here all alone while I'm getting my mogul on
Pick up the wine crackers in the cove alone
Driving a car with a house calling it my mobile home
Top floor the rich my bitch there waiting
Voices in my head I hear a pimp narrating my life
You wanna know the way I truly do it then
Put a max jewely in movie in beauty and the beast
Juicy ass, booty in the Louie V panties
I remove 'em then I stick the bazooka in
She started out Nubian as Estelle
'Til I fuck her pearl as Adele
She bent over hands on the rail
Cause she lost the coin toss
She called heads I called tail
On my way home, I'm smelling like my new chick
Wife be there horny, she got me working two shifts
True Shit

[Hook: Kobe]

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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