Infamous Mobb - We Will Survive [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Infamous Mobb
Album: Special Edition
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[G.O.D Talking]
Ain't no clique like this...word life dunn
Niggas know...QB nigga 41st Side
M-O-B-B top dog nigga...Non-Stop
How we do dunn... mother fuckin' right

[Verse 1]
Out of the bottomless pit to the glamour and glitz
Infamous flicks we stay dropping hit after hit
When you listen to this dope raw shit I spit
Understand everybody got a spot to fit
Get touched if you move out of the spot you in
I hustled crack half my life to make ends right
Did crime got caught did time I held mine, did fine
Eternal life niggas never die
Thoro bred bitches always body me inside
Shit jump off I know my hoe gon'(na) ride
We Will survive forever stay alive
Infamous motherfucker 'til I die

[Chorus: Chinky (G.O.D)]
We will survive (Forever stay alive infamous motherfucker 'til we die)
We will survive (We live for the street niggas hustling to make ends meat)
We will survive (It's raw like that, cock back blow the four like that)
WE WILL SURVIVE (The M-O-B-B, Infamous, 41st, QB)

[Verse 2]
Battles scarred up rules never close the hill
Marked for life live niggas blowing their steel
It's most real in my everyday life appeal
Measure my steel let's take to the streets
We M-O-B-B, QB if push come to shove
Queensbridge niggas threatened you get stopped and plugged
38 snub in the glove V One Douce
For them niggas who get loose throw them off the roof
They ain't true forever I'm a rep my crew
Where I've been you will never go, blow for blow
Travel the world locked up under the jail
Stay alive we survive where it's real

[Chorus: Chinky (G.O.D)]
We will survive (Forever stay alive infamous motherfucker 'til we die)
We will survive (We live for the street niggas hustling to make ends meat)
We will survive (It's raw like that, cock back blow the four like that)
WE WILL SURVIVE (The M-O-B-B, Infamous, 41st, QB)

[Verse 3]
I got a rhyme for every fucking dead soul in me
For the times that was hard y'all was holding me
Scolding me, teaching me what's right from wrong
Waiting full strong survival of the realest live on
Since my born '73 'til when I don't know
When it's my time to go I go it was wrote
Till then I leave you with the snout toast in your throat
My niggas is all pro hopping out the latest jeeps
Reach but you won't reach
See what you won't see
The GOD G-O-D part three repping QB
Where it's live at get your shit twist 41 nigga

[Chorus 2X: Chinky (G.O.D)]
We will survive (Forever stay alive infamous motherfucker 'til we die)
We will survive (We live for the street niggas hustling to make ends meat)
We will survive (It's raw like that, cock back blow the four like that)
WE WILL SURVIVE (The M-O-B-B, Infamous, 41st, QB)

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Interpretacja piosenki

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