Iris Venture-Ayala - Fate and Freewill [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Iris Venture-Ayala
Album: Iris Venture-Ayala's Works
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

Fate Vs. Freewill WebQuest
Once you have all ten, paste into Poetry Genius and send me a message with your answers.
Questions (just write your answers):
1. After watching this video, what ideas do you have about what our Fate vs. Freewill unit will be about? What do you think? That fate is what you believe not what others think and by that if you start believing what others say than that’s you.
2. Can you relate to feelings of: "the world is out to get me today; everything is going wrong; where ya at, God?" Please give an example of when you felt this way: I felt this way many times when I have problems or when getting into big arguments with my parents.
3. Do you think you have enough freedom with your choices that you could actually frustrate a higher power's plans? Please explain your answer. No I do not well at home I don’t have any kind of freedom just home school, school home with my family.
4. Do you agree that everything we think we do freely could just be the result of nature's system and consequences? For instance, you make decisions based on how you feel, but you don't really choose your feelings; rather they are the result of complex processes within your body, mind, and soul. Yes I agree because we are just thinking about us the way we feel only not the way maybe the people who surround you feel.
5. Do you ever feel like by trying to avoid a particular fate by using your freedom of choice, you actually end up fulfilling it? Please give an example: Yes I have felt that way I think different I’m like if I avoiding it I’ll be better no harm will be caused when actually the opposite happens .
6. Whether in your own romantic adventures or the lives of others around you, please explain what you think is the role Fate plays in love. In my thinking’s I say always trust your partner so should he/she and forgive don’t try getting them back for something because someone is going to end up being hurt.
7. Is Fate more important than Freewill when it comes to romantic relationships? Please explain your answer. Yes always trust your word not others what others think or say what matters is what you think and say.
8. How do you feel about situations you see around you in your real life: can people make free choices to improve their lives, or is your fate sometimes already determined? Well yes they could use it but what matters most is what you know and want to be.
9. Please explain how, in a paragraph of at least 5-7 sentences, fate or freewill had a bigger impact upon your life event. Fate is what maybe your parent’s friends have reached you or someone you true has teacher you but you have opium a chance to say or do what you think its wright not what others say or think. Freewill is what you say or think its wright for you and it’s you choice and no one can tell you it’s not wright or you can’t do it because its agents something or someone .
Which is more important: fate or freewill? Why?
Freewill because what counts is what you think and want not what others say you should do or believe in.

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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