Iris Venture-Ayala - Week 9 Reading Jounal [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Iris Venture-Ayala
Album: Iris Venture-Ayala's Works
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

Well Yeah Lucky brother flowed her into the wardrobe and the eval witch found hem but not Lucky who had been going in there many times and had never been caught by the witch and hem being the first time got cough. The eval witch treated hem so nicely of course because for many many years had passed and no human had ever when to that side of the most icy and cold part. So she told hem to bring all his brothers and sisters her plans where to turn all of them into ice like she to every one who didn't obey her command.
Today all the brothers found out that in the wardrobe there was a world a icy world that was commanded by a witch a=in one side and that in the other side it was ruled by a lion and real humans not like in the icy shadows that there was only ugly creatures in this part where the lion ruled there was good people and animals who understudy this part was happy in the far ways savannas.
Today Billy gave Bella her car a old truck who belonged to one of his best friends but that worked perfectly and had been re-painted and had been worked real hard to look nice Bella loved it and the truck was better than she had imagine. And that same they she saw her old friend Jake who she had seen in the summers when she came to visit her father. Bella is starting high school her in Forks and is staying whit her father which like both of her parents where divorced.
Well Bella today found this new friends even thought she was bad the worst volleyball player people still liked her even thought not all. In her science class she was set with this weird guy that she knew from the begin he did not like her at all. She felt bad but had to sit there with hem the next day he did not attend and the next and the next and the next she relay wanted to know why was it that he disliked her she saw his brother's and sisters going to school but not hem she relay wanted to ask what was going on with hem but she did not see hem any where.

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Interpretacja piosenki

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