Machine Gun Kelly - In These Walls (My House) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Machine Gun Kelly
Album: Tickets To My Downfall
Gatunek: Rock

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Lynn Gunn]
I feel you in these walls
You're a cold air creeping in
Chill me to my bones and skin
I heard you down the hall
But it's vacant when I'm looking in
Oh, who let you in?
You walk around like you own the place
But you never say anything
I caught you walking straight through my walls
Guess it was all my fault
I think I let you in

[Verse: Machine Gun Kelly]
You said I never wrote a song for you
So I hope this one is haunting you
You said even if it took forever
That me and you would be together
And I never thought that you would lie
So I'll admit I took advantage of your precious time
I'll admit I took advantage of you every night that I was on the road
Even at home I wouldn't do you right
I'll admit it, but don't think for a minute I'ma let you
Convince me that what we started is finished
Or for a second that I wouldn't take a bullet to the head for you
Paint the bottom on my floor red for you
Kissed by an angel, touched by the devil
Blood from a nose red as a rose petal
I think we're caught up in a power trip
She my Kate Moss, I'm her Johnny Depp

Light pull the fast life in the fast lane
Fights in the cab, nights drinkin' champagne
Ice make it last, ice for the back pain
With the knife on the dash, pipe with the ashtray
And we fuck with the lights on, break a lamp shade
Did it twice in the room, once in the matinee, oh
Hide all the fresh wounds like a band-aid
With the stripes on the black suits for the campaign, oh
What a damn shame
King of the underworld, what a damn name
'Cause he killed all the other girls in the damn frame
For a queen that he never realized had fangs
Damn, do you feel what I'm sayin'?
Take a knife in the back, wanna feel my pain
Make a slice to the wrist to reveal those veins
I could see your face, man I feel insane

[Chorus: Lynn Gunn & Machine Gun Kelly]
Never thought that I would feel like this (Yeah)
Such a mess when I'm in your presence
I've had enough, think you've been making me sick
Gotta get you out of my system, yeah
It's my house
And I think it's time to get out
It's my soul
It isn't yours anymore
It's my house
And I think it's time to get out
Yeah, I think it's time to get out

[Outro: Lynn Gunn & Machine Gun Kelly]
Yeah, yeah, ooh, oh-oh
Yeah, I think it's time to get out

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Interpretacja piosenki

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„W tych ścianach” został zaprezentowany podczas 19 dnia sesji „Lockdown Session” Machine Gun Kelly. Utwór wykorzystuje sample wokalne z piosenki „My House” zespołu PVRIS. Utwór PVRIS „My House” z listopada 2014 roku porównuje czyjąś ponurą przestrzeń do nawiedzonego domu. MGK dokonał podobnych porównań na swojej płycie Hotel Diablo z 2019 roku, w utworach takich jak „Glass House” i „Waste Love”.


Kate Moss to brytyjska modelka, która stała się powszechnie znana w latach 90. Johnny Depp to amerykański aktor znany z ról w filmach takich jak Charlie and the Chocolate Factory z 2005 roku oraz The Lone Ranger z 2013 roku.


Moss i Depp spotykali się przez cztery lata, począwszy od 1994 roku. Ich związek był raczej burzliwy, z częstymi kłótniami i rzekomymi nocami w hotelach po alkoholu. Moss otworzył się na Vanity Fair w sprawie ich rozpadu w 2012 roku:


„Nie ma nikogo, kto naprawdę byłby w stanie się mną zająć. Johnny trochę to zrobił. […] I to właśnie przegapiłem wychodząc. Naprawdę straciłem poczucie kogoś, komu mogłem zaufać. Koszmar. Lata i lata płaczu”.

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