Public Enemy - Makes You Blind [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Public Enemy
Album: New Whirl Odor
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Flavor Flav]

[Chuck D]
I can feel it, now
You got me feeling like Ray Charles up in here
I feel lime believe all way to my soul and pore
You got me feeling like Stieve wondering what hell is going on
Yeah, you know what, the blind still can't see
Weapons of the mass distraction

[Flavor Flav]

[Verse One: Chuck D]
Now, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven
Rap like hell make it sound like heaven
Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero
Black Superman, is back as your hero
America the beautiful, beautiful, plentiful
Now, looking sort of pitiful
A third of the world at war, wait minute
Got to take care of the rock if you want to live in it
Medicine and Medicare, cause.. they don't care
Your favorite Millionare is.. in the air
See them everywhere, but.. they ain't there
So Rally and Protest against the world in fear
Now, people people, can we take it to the square? "YEAH!!"
Mean Yeah, now, you don't matter, and they don't mind
Cause these be the things that make you blind, COME ON!!

[Hook: Female]
Makes you blind, makes you blind
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
Gets you blind
YOU CAN FEEL IT!! ---------------] Ice Cube
If you see, they make you blind
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
Makes you blind, makes you blind
If you see, they make you blind
Blind, blind leads a blind ------] Ice Cube
If you see, they make you blind
We got subtracts over here ------] Chuck D
Makes you blind, makes you blind
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
You can't see it, you can't see it --] Chuck D

[Verse Two: Chuck D]
Uhh, pimp or preach, same thing
Nothing worse than a new black Church
Who be lying on the truth cause it hurts
Black man came first, in the sweet name of Jesus
Cost me a Dollar, at the floor of Creflo
Like how the hell me supposed to know or see to ask?
In the name of the Allah, running to the Radio
And the TV issues and views shaped by one-sided news
Got us like 'Planet of the Apes' under CDs and tapes
Preachy, young cats asking old heads; teach me
Yeah, album of beats that reach me
Radiation of a Radio TV movie nation
On your goddamn mind, uhh.. makes you blind!
You don't matter, and they don't mind
Cause these be the things that make you blind!
Can I say: you don't matter, and they don't mind?
Cause these be the things that make you blind!

[Hook: Female w/ minor variations]
Makes you blind
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
Makes you blind, makes you blind
If you see, they make you blind
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
Makes you blind, makes you blind
You're blind, you can't see it, COME ON!! --------] Chuck D
If you see, they make you blind
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
Makes you blind, makes you blind
You got me feeling like Ray Charles up in here ----] Chuck D
If you see, they make you blind
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
Makes you blind, makes you blind
COME ON!! GET IT!! --------------] Chuck D
If you see..

[Verse Three: Chuck D]
Now.. now, y'all keep bouncing to what I said
Cause.. these be the facts, going to blow your head
Y'all know what I said, when I say: NO TO THUG
Thug Life runs at the top and y'all thought it was 'Pac
These Government Gangsters making Robots who forgot Hypnotic
In the 2000 by three thousand mile box
35 years old lost in a X-Box
Playstations and videos, so that's how it goes (YOU'RE BLIND BABY!!)
The world begins and ends at the tip of their nose
It ain't Eminem, it's M and M & M
MC Donalds, MTV and Microsoft
Can't you see, they got the young strung at a cost?
Yes, it's that treacherous three go off, go off
Now, you don't matter, and they don't mind
Cause these be the things that make you blind!
I said: you don't matter, and they don't mind
Cause these be the things that make you blind!

[Hook: Female w/ minor variations]
If you see.. if you see..
If you see.. if you see..
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
If you see.. if you see..
Cause these be the things that make you blind, yeah -------] Chuck D
If you see.. if you see..
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
If you see.. if you see..
You got me feeling like Stieve wondering what hell is going on, yeah ---] Chuck D
If you see.. if you see..
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
If you see.. if you see..
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
If you see..

[Verse Four: Chuck D]
So.. I pray to God for my life and health
Uhh.. I feel like I got a church in myself
So I.. I jump back and kiss myself
Cutbacks, look out, I can't get no help
Throw your hands in the air, Bush and Blair don't care
While the unaware, uhh.. they just stare
This nation said: screw the organization of united nations
Yeah, across them TV stations
They said to the masses: they consider them asses
Take a look at the world; another son of a Bush disaster
Do the math, cause the loudest they're coming after
These are the same acts who wiped out half of Africa
And you don't know the half, the half knots robbed by the halves
Signing new money like signing autographs
MC Donalds billions sold, America billions told
Houston, we got a problem; isn't this a bitch?
When I want to hear blues, I be turning on the news
See, the rich get richer and the poor keep bitching
Buckle down, knuckle up, when time is rough
Buckle down, knuckle up, when time is rough
And say.. you don't matter, and they don't mind
Cause these are the things that make you blind!
Now, you don't matter, and they don't mind
Cause these be the things that make you blind!

[Flavor Flav]
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know

[Hook: Female w/ minor variations]
Makes you blind, makes you blind
You're blind, baby --------------] Flavor Flav
If you see, they make you blind
Makes you blind, makes you blind
You're blind to the fact --------] Flavor Flav
If you see, they make you blind
Makes you blind, makes you blind
You're blind, baby --------------] Flavor Flav
If you see, they make you blind
Makes you blind, makes you blind
You're blind, baby --------------] Flavor Flav
If you see..

[Chuck D overlapping the above Hook]
Get it!! - AWWW YEAH!!
These be the things that make you blind
You're blind to the fact, COME ON!!
These be the things that make you blind
Yeah, these be the things that make you blind

[Flavor Flav X2]
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know.. uhhu
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know.. uhhu
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know.. uhhu
Y'all don't know..

[Outro: Overvoice]
I have always had a respect for all music that's well as flavor
And you know my music is.. is one to make a change, you know, communicate to all..

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