Public Enemy - Y'all Don't Know (So What Ya Saying?) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Public Enemy
Album: New Whirl Odor
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

.. they ain't see the man
There is unseen man.. crazy
That is Brad Rapra

[Flavor Flav]
Yo Griff, where you at?
The truth just.. been deceived.. just been deceived.. just been deceived
The government.. is not in fear of this.. PUBLIC ENEMY!!

[Professor Griff]
In the whip, trying to a grip
On how to bring the next and the new shit
Brain lit, no pen, no pad
It's the sickest Illest thought I ever had
Thoughts of my old dad, uhh..

Never question who I am --] Chuck D
And we're Public Enemy #1 --] Chuck D

[Professor Griff]
According to the word on the streets
The votes were bought to insure the presidency
Let's see.. the election was privatized
Co-operation control the votes and they're lying before your very eyes
Rienforce the lie, on CNN, Fox, 9 Live at 5 @ 5
As far as the public domain
National elections have been taking out of the public Brain
The publics insane, if the facts still remain the same
The bushes are dummer and dummer
Seven take away one in the brain nummer and nummer
They capitalize off the fear of the people
Hip-Hop in the head of the people, lethal

[Hook: Flavor Flav]
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know
[Griff] Uhh.. COME ON!!
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know
[Griff] What you talking about?
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know
[Griff] So what you're saying?
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know
[Griff] COME ON!!

[Professor Griff]
Ki ki ki.. COME ON!!
Ki ki ki ki.. COME ON!!
Like the.. chickens coming home to roost
It's not a Question of "why" but who will loose
And what party you choose
Uhh.. The Governments.. the enemy --] Media Sampler
The Governments.. the enemy --] Media Sampler
Don't know about you, but it's clear to me
Uncle Sam wants me to be all that I can be to keep his enemies free

[Hook: Flavor Flav]
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know
[Griff] Uhh.. COME ON!!
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know
[Griff] So what you talking about?
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know
[Griff] So what you saying?
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know
[Griff] COME ON!!

[Professor Griff]
Ki ki ki.. COME ON!!
Ki ki ki ki.. COME ON!!
I got a black thought to send ya!
Bush and Kerry the New world Order Agenda's in ya!
And it's a well known fact
The next election you'll vote Republicrate
And that's a fact and I'll bet a stack on that
Shhh.. those are the lies, and the liars that tell them
Liars that lie like the lies they sell them
Here's all the news that's fit to print
From the mind of a pro-black militant, uhh..

Never question who I am --] Chuck D
And we're Public Enemy #1 --] Chuck D
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know --] Flavor Flav

[Professor Griff]
Uhh.. bio micro chips in the arms of pimps
Snitches ain't shit along with the trick
The shady bunch can get the dic-tionary
It's very neccessary that Tom got me out on the ridge
Homeless with nowhere to live.. they fig'
They called me the last nigga so I brought the noise and still lived
The beast.. restored a puppet regime
Population control 8 point 9 human beings
Mental cap of a black it's a fact
Done deal, dude it's a Rap

[Hook: Flavor Flav]

[Break: Chuck D]
One.. two..
One.. two.. three.. one more time

[Outro: DJ Lord Scratching quotes below]
Never question who I am --] Chuck D
And we're Public Enemy #1 --] Chuck D
Public Enemy --] Busta Rhymes
Never question who I am --] Chuck D
And we're Public Enemy #1 --] Chuck D
Public Enemy --] Busta Rhymes
Never question who I am --] Chuck D
And we're Public Enemy #1 --] Chuck D
Public Enemy --] Busta Rhymes

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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