Sam Hunt - Bottle It Up [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Sam Hunt
Album: Between The Pines - Acoustic Mixtape
Data wydania: 2013-09-01
Gatunek: Country

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1]
Night sand felt good on sunburned feet
Sitting on pool chairs we drug to the beach
But that salty air was bittersweet
Waiting for the sun to rise
Best friends talking 'bout the memories we made
We couldn't believe that we were graduating
The wind and the waves were slipping away but that moment felt so alive

If I could bottle it up I'd have a stash in the truck
Splash in my cup, it'd never get old
One little sip, just a taste on my lip
I'd be taking a trip, wherever I go
I'd keep a life's good, sweet bliss
'Does it ever really get better than this?' kinda buzz
If I could bottle it up
If I could bottle it up

[Verse 2]
Well the year me, and my grandad fixed that car
It was a summer full of grease and changing parts
But when we finally got that thing to start
Man, it sounded just right
Riding with the prettiest girl I know
Breaking in a brand new record on an old back road
When that first slow love song came on
She couldn't hide that little smile

If I could bottle it up I'd have a stash in the truck
Splash in my cup, it'd never get old
One little sip, just a taste on my lip
I'd be taking a trip, wherever I go
I'd keep a life's good, sweet bliss
'Does it ever really get better than this?' kinda buzz
If I could bottle it up
If I could bottle it up

[Verse 3]
And I'd drink it down
And I'd pass it around, pass it around
Cause it'll sneak up on you fast
When life pours out the good stuff
Just can't make it last
That moment in time would never end
Cause I'd take it with me when it did

If I could bottle it up I'd have a stash in the truck
Splash in my cup, it'd never get old
One little sip, just a taste on my lip
I'd be taking a trip, wherever I go
I'd keep a life's good, sweet bliss
'Does it ever really get better than this?' kinda buzz
If I could bottle it up
If I could bottle it up

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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