Sam Hunt - I Met A Girl [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Sam Hunt
Album: Between The Pines - Acoustic Mixtape
Gatunek: Country

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1]
She don’t laugh at everything, but when she does the planets swing around her
She don’t step on sidewalks and her teenage boyfriends all still dream about her
She don’t need the glitter of the Vegas lights
She could blow a kiss and leave you spinning like a tilt-o-world

I met a girl
She made me smile
She made me wait
She crossed the street
She crossed my heart
She fixed her dress
She bit her lip
She lit me up
I met a girl with crazy shoes and baby blues
The way she moves is changing my whole world
I met a girl

[Verse 2]
The sunrise waits for her to wake up
She’s a pony tail, no makeup Saturday
She don’t need umbrellas in the summer rain
She could catch the eye of a hurricane in blue jeans and pearls

I met a girl
She made me smile
She made me wait
She crossed the street
She crossed my heart
She fixed her dress
She bit her lip
She lit me up
I met a girl with crazy shoes and baby blues
The way she moves is changing my whole world

She turned around and it felt like the street turned upside down The only thing that I could say was, "hey"
And I’m just glad she didn’t walk away

I met a girl
She made me smile
She made me wait
She crossed the street
She crossed my heart
She fixed her dress
She bit her lip
She lit me up
I met a girl with crazy shoes and baby blues
The way she moves is changing my whole world
I met a girl

I met a girl
I met a girl
I met a girl

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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