Lil Durk - AHHH HA [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Lil Durk
Data wydania: 2022-02-22
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: TM88, Southside, Nuki, TooDope, JiggaSosa, NFE Paris

Tekst piosenki

Ayy, this shit like videos, you hear me?
Everything I say in this motherfucker all props (This shit is not real)
Just in case the police listening, you know? (Haha)
Smurk, slide, slide, slide (Man, what?)

Don't respond to shit with Von (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm like, "Fuck it, you tripping, go get your gun" (Let's get it, yeah, gun)
They dropping locations, I'm getting it done (Woo, woo, woo, gang)
Fuck tweeting, we sliding, the feds will come (Yeah, yeah, yeah, man, what?)
He fucking his bitches (Bitches), them niggas (Niggas) his sons (Let's get it)
I'm hanging with killers, we breaking a bond (Yeah, yeah, bond)
They really don't mean it, he say it in songs (Yeah, mean it, say it in songs)
They really don't mean it, he play it in songs (Bitch, yeah)

[Verse 1]
We be sliding through they blocks and they don't know we have
Buddy ass got shot and we ain't claim it but I can show his ass (Brrah)
Niggas acting like they really like that since my brodie died (Von)
Just got out the feds, you bring up murders with your police ass
I told Von to leave that bitch alone, she post on OnlyFans (Yeah, eater)
Catch 'em at the apartments they been in 'cause that's our only chance (Brrah)
They don't be outside like you think, they ass be on the 'Gram (On gang)
Old opps fucking with my new opps (Brrah), oh, man (Brrah)
That shit merched, we been through there, that shit like ghost land (Skrrt, skrrt)
My brother D-Thang just got killed and I been slow since (Gang, gang)
But we got back on they ass, I bet they know this (Brrah)
And on bro, I'm speaking facts, this ain't no diss (This ain't no diss)
Keep the police out my business, we don't post shit (We don't post shit)
Trigger Happy, I be with Zoo 'nem and we on 46 ('Wop, 'Wop)
They like, "Durk, his ass a singer, he won't smoke shit" (Yeah, yeah)
You can believe whatever you want, I got your folks hit (Ah, ha)

Don't respond to shit with Von (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm like, "Fuck it, you tripping, go get your gun" (Let's get it, yeah, gun)
They dropping locations, I'm getting it done (Woo, woo, woo, gang)
Fuck tweeting, we sliding, the feds will come (Yeah, yeah, yeah, man, what?)
He fucking his bitches (Bitches), them niggas (Niggas) his sons (Let's get it)
I'm hanging with killers, we breaking a bond (Yeah, yeah, yeah, bond)
They really don't mean it, he say it in songs (Yeah, mean it, say it, songs)
They really don't mean it, he play it in songs (Bitch, yeah)

[Verse 2]
He talking about me in "Pissed Me Off," and I'm like, "Yes" (Yes)
If you feel some type of way, you better slide and get revenge (Brrah)
He said, "Therapy ain't helping," he been killing for a cleanse (Slide)
She said she ain't really got shit but she so thirsty for a Benz (Skrrt, skrrt)
I just made her suck my dick and I just nutted on her chin (Bitch)
I been feeling like Rico, I just fucked her in my Timbs (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
For school, he save no pen, he rather carry him a gen (Five)
A ten (Ten), FN, Perc' 10, I'm saying, he spinning (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
You need a pill to slide, he off all them milligrams, he been a fan (Bitch)
I seen niggas really killing shit, post shit on Instagram (Pussy)
You doing that, you might as well go to court and say you killed the man (Killed the man)
I don't claim niggas who be with opps, I try to wheel 'em in (Grrah)
The trenches like a sport, you grab the ball and turn a killer, man (Pussy)
Switches on me, all face shots, we changing dental plans (Brrah)
All fast cars, make it skrrt, we don't do rental vans (Skrrt)
I can have your homie set you up, his ass a middle man (Ah, ha)

Don't respond to shit with Von (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm like, "Fuck it, you tripping, go get your gun" (Let's get it, yeah, gun)
They dropping locations, I'm getting it done (Woo, woo, woo, gang)
Fuck tweeting, we sliding, the feds will come (Yeah, yeah, yeah, man, what?)
He fucking his bitches (Bitches), them niggas (Niggas) his sons (Let's get it)
I'm hanging with killers, we breaking a bond (Yeah, yeah, yeah, bond)
They really don't mean it, he say it in songs (Yeah, mean it, say it in songs)
They really don't mean it, he play it in songs (Bitch, yeah)

Ah, ha

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Wydany 22 lutego 2022 roku utwór zatytułowany "AHHH HA" to singiel amerykańskiego rapera Lil Durka. Utwór stanowi trzecią, po "Pissed Me Off" oraz nagranym przy współpracy z Morganem Wallenem przebojowym "Broadway Girls", oficjalną zapowiedź siódmego pełnowymiarowego albumu studyjnego rapera z Chicago. Wydawnictwo noszące tytuł "7220" swoją premierę odbędzie 11 marca 2022 roku. Krążek ukaże się nakładem wytwórni Alamo Records oraz Sony Music Entertainment.


"AHHH HA" to wyraźna i twarda odpowiedź na podprogowe i wyraźnie negatywne zwroty zespołu i współpracowników YoungBoy Never Broke Again kierowane w stronę Lil Durka. Pierwsza wzmianka o utworze pojawiła się 31 stycznia 2022 roku, po tym, jak Memo 600 udostępnił na Instagramie zdjęcie Durka i producenta z Chicago, DJ-a Bandz, podczas przeglądania czegoś, co wygląda na listę utworów, z jedenastym utworem wyświetlanym jako właśnie "AHH HAA."


Oficjalnie utwór został zapowiedziany po tym, jak Durk przekazał milion dolarów dzielnicy Englewood, w której Artysta dorastał. Po tym, jak podczas kręcenia teledysku na Instagramie pojawiła się relacja, 18 lutego 2022 roku utwór w całości wyciekł do sieci. Tego samego dnia Durk również napisał na Twitterze, że chodził po swojej okolicy z milionem dolarów w gotówce. Dwa dni później, 20 lutego, Durk zasugerował wydanie utworu poprzez kolejnego tweeta.

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