Lil Durk - Still Trappin’ [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Lil Durk
Album: The Voice (2020)
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: King Von]
Von (Go Grizz)
Huh, huh, yeah (Go, Hitmaka)

[Chorus: King Von]
This ain't OG, this just smoke and this shit Thrax for real (This that Thrax for real)
This that shit that have you chokin' and it got Tooka killed (It got Tooka killed, uh)
Niggas chasin' clout and claimin' bodies they ain't do for real (Huh? What? Who? Huh? Damn, damn)
And my bitch got ass shots, but I promise that this strap is real (Ayy, grrah, grrah, grrah)
This ain't OG, this just smoke and this shit Thrax for real (This that Thrax for real)
This that shit that have you chokin' and it got Tooka killed (It got Tooka killed, damn, huh?)
Niggas chasin' clout and claimin' bodies they ain't do for real (Damn, huh?)
And my bitch got ass shots, but I promise that this strap is real (Damn, damn, grrah, grrah, grrah)

[Verse 1: King Von]
Niggas ain't gon' shoot for real (Uh-uh)
They ain't gon' shoot for real (They ain't gon' shoot)
Call up Muwop, he grab his Glock (I call) and he gon' shoot to kill (Grrah, grrah)
I done hit stains for real, uh (Huh? What?)
Niggas ain't gang for real, uh (Huh? What?)
Niggas go to jail and tell (Huh?)
I done sent hits from my cell, damn (Yeah)
Bad bitch posted my bail, uh (Uh-huh)
Scream, "Fuck 12," uh (12)
All these bales (Fuck) came from the cartel (The cartel)
They say I got mail, damn (I got mail, yeah)
Who got nailed? (Who got nailed, huh?)
That boy a trophy (What?), I'ma put him on the shelf (Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom)

[Chorus: King Von & Lil Durk]
This ain't OG, this just smoke and this shit Thrax for real (This that Thrax for real)
This that shit that have you chokin' and it got Tooka killed (It got Tooka killed)
Niggas chasin' clout and claimin' bodies they ain't do for real (Huh? What? Who? Huh? Damn, damn)
And my bitch got ass shots, but I promise that this strap is real (Yeah, grrah, grrah, grrah)
This ain't OG, this just smoke and this shit Thrax for real (This that Thrax for real)
This that shit that have you chokin' and it got Tooka killed (Huh? What? It got Tooka killed, yeah)
Niggas chasin' clout and claimin' bodies they ain't do for real (Yeah, it's Murk)
And my bitch got ass shots, but I promise that this strap is real (Damn, damn, gang, gang, grrah, grrah, grrah, huh)

[Verse 2: Lil Durk]
I ain't gon' lie, that lil' shit major, my hoes carry tasers (Yeah)
When it comes to this lil' paper, my shit come in pages (For sure)
When I had to slow down off them drugs, I had to go through phases (For sure)
Even though we fightin' all them cases, keep them guns on stages (Yeah, yeah, yeah, what?)
Booka gave me X pills, told me chase it, but I cannot take it (Yeah)
Why these niggas actin' like they real when niggas know they fakin'? (Niggas fakin')
I can't take it
He a bitch, just ho his ass
Bro slide with a COVID mask (Facts)
Last opp, he overgassed (Facts), smoke
Goddamn, he got backdoored
Goose, goose, he over gassed dope (Dope)
Loose screws, I'll buy they ass poles (Gang)
Fool, fool, don't change for the low (Low)
Goof dude, he a stain, he don't know (Bitch)
This .22 smoke (Dawg)
Doo, doo, that deuce-deuce blow (Go)
Boo-hoo, why you cryin'? You a ho (Bitch)
Fucked you, now he mad he ain't know (Gang)

[Chorus: King Von]
This ain't OG, this just smoke and this shit Thrax for real (This that Thrax for real)
This that shit that have you chokin' and it got Tooka killed (It got Tooka killed, uh)
Niggas chasin' clout and claimin' bodies they ain't do for real (Huh? What? Who? Huh? Damn, damn)
And my bitch got ass shots, but I promise that this strap is real (Ayy, grrah, grrah, grrah)
This ain't OG, this just smoke and this shit Thrax for real (This that Thrax for real)
This that shit that have you chokin' and it got Tooka killed (Huh? What? It got Tooka killed)
Niggas chasin' clout and claimin' bodies they ain't do for real (Damn, huh?)
And my bitch got ass shots, but I promise that this strap is real (Damn, damn, grrah, grrah, grrah, uh)

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

Tekst stworzył(a)
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

Lil Durk współpracuje ze swoim długoletnim przyjacielem, nieżyjącym już King Vonem przy „Still Trappin”. Na torze Von woła o swoje przeciwności, by być fałszywymi, ścigającymi innych ludźmi. Tymczasem Durk wślizguje się w rytm z lirycznym wersem.


Tooka był 15-letnim uczniem gangstera z STL / EBT. Został słynnie postrzelony na przystanku autobusowym w styczniu 2011 roku. Mówi się, że kpił ze śmierci Czarnego Ucznia, przez co stał się głównym celem.

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